protected $actions;
- * @var string, SQL; a query which looks up the related entity
+ * @var string, SQL. Given a file ID, determine the entity+table it's attached to.
* ex: "SELECT if(,1,0) as is_valid, cef.entity_table, cef.entity_id
* FROM civicrm_file cf
array('create', 'get', 'delete'),
+ // Given a file ID, determine the entity+table it's attached to.
'SELECT if(,1,0) as is_valid, cef.entity_table, cef.entity_id
FROM civicrm_file cf
LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_file cef ON = cef.file_id
* @return array
* Array of newly created file property values.
* @throws API_Exception validation errors
+ * @see Civi\API\Subscriber\DynamicFKAuthorization
function civicrm_api3_attachment_create($params) {
array('create', 'get'),
+ // Given a file ID, determine the entity+table it's attached to.
case %1
when " . self::FILE_WIDGET_ID . " then 1