It turns out that is a field in a serialized array has a %2 (for example) this gets swapped in executeQuery for the
%2 value (in this case srcID - rendering the serialized array invalid. This proposes that we
explicitly handle arrays as a data type in compose query.
Some thoughts
1) we could make serialized arrays valid types in validate (not done here)
2) we could iterate through the array keys & values escaping them -
at this stage it's left in the calling function
3) there are whole bikeshed factories to keep in business on discussion of whether
'Array-1', 'Array-2' etc are the right format
'canMerge' => TRUE,
- $data = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString(serialize($row));
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT INTO civicrm_prevnext_cache (entity_table, entity_id1, entity_id2, cacheKey, data) VALUES
- ('civicrm_contact', %1, %2, %3, '{$data}')", [
+ ('civicrm_contact', %1, %2, %3, %4)", [
1 => [$dstID, 'Integer'],
2 => [$srcID, 'Integer'],
3 => [$cacheKeyString, 'String'],
+ 4 => [serialize($row), 'String'],
'merged' => (int) $merged,
'skipped' => (int) $skipped,
- $data = serialize($data);
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT INTO civicrm_prevnext_cache (entity_table, entity_id1, entity_id2, cacheKey, data) VALUES
- ('civicrm_contact', 0, 0, %1, '{$data}')", [1 => [$cacheKeyString . '_stats', 'String']]);
+ ('civicrm_contact', 0, 0, %1, %2)", [1 => [$cacheKeyString . '_stats', 'String'], 2 => [serialize($data), 'String']]);
+ /**
+ * Test weird characters don't mess with merge & cause a fatal.
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ public function testNoErrorOnOdd() {
+ $this->individualCreate();
+ $this->individualCreate(['first_name' => 'Gerrit%0a%2e%0a']);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', []);
+ $this->individualCreate();
+ $this->individualCreate(['first_name' => '[foo\\bar\'baz']);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', []);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', ['first_name' => '[foo\\bar\'baz']);
+ }
* Test the batch merge does not create duplicate emails.