* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Member/Membership.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:0619aa3946bcadcab1919672c9ecf35a)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:1668d4d8a9f2e1686bf9f5b6ea1c55dc)
* Admin users may set a manual status which overrides the calculated status. When this flag is true, automated status update scripts should NOT modify status for the record.
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
public $max_related;
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
public $is_test;
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Status Override'),
'description' => ts('Admin users may set a manual status which overrides the calculated status. When this flag is true, automated status update scripts should NOT modify status for the record.'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'import' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership.is_override',
'headerPattern' => '/override$/i',
'export' => TRUE,
+ 'default' => '0',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership',
'entity' => 'Membership',
'bao' => 'CRM_Member_BAO_Membership',
'name' => 'is_test',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Test'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'import' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership.is_test',
'headerPattern' => '/(is.)?test(.member(ship)?)?/i',
'name' => 'is_pay_later',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Is Pay Later'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'import' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership.is_pay_later',
'headerPattern' => '/(is.)?(pay(.)?later)$/i',
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Member/MembershipBlock.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:8e0e93f6f480d279cbf4ac53db86a8f3)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:b8779f341fdb53bc75c0928fea73f06f)
* Display minimum membership fee
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Should membership transactions be processed separately
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Is membership sign up optional
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Is this membership_block enabled
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Membership Block Display Minimum Fee'),
'description' => ts('Display minimum membership fee'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_block.display_min_fee',
'default' => '1',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_block',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Membership Block Is Separate Payment'),
'description' => ts('Should membership transactions be processed separately'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_block.is_separate_payment',
'default' => '1',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_block',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Is Required'),
'description' => ts('Is membership sign up optional'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_block.is_required',
'default' => '0',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_block',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Is Active'),
'description' => ts('Is this membership_block enabled'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_block.is_active',
'default' => '1',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_block',
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Member/MembershipStatus.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:5c4442b352b42ed23368f5dbb0bc0531)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:baf51df46a12becf1b8ed3f8a25e2237)
* Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE).
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Is this status for admin/manual assignment only.
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Assign this status to a membership record if no other status match is found.
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Is this membership_status enabled.
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
* Is this membership_status reserved.
- * @var bool|string|null
+ * @var bool|string
* (SQL type: tinyint)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Current Membership?'),
'description' => ts('Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE).'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_status.is_current_member',
+ 'default' => '0',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_status',
'entity' => 'MembershipStatus',
'bao' => 'CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatus',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Administrator Only?'),
'description' => ts('Is this status for admin/manual assignment only.'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_status.is_admin',
+ 'default' => '0',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_status',
'entity' => 'MembershipStatus',
'bao' => 'CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatus',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Default Status?'),
'description' => ts('Assign this status to a membership record if no other status match is found.'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_status.is_default',
+ 'default' => '0',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_status',
'entity' => 'MembershipStatus',
'bao' => 'CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatus',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Is Active'),
'description' => ts('Is this membership_status enabled.'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_status.is_active',
'default' => '1',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_status',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN,
'title' => ts('Is Reserved'),
'description' => ts('Is this membership_status reserved.'),
+ 'required' => TRUE,
'where' => 'civicrm_membership_status.is_reserved',
'default' => '0',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_membership_status',
--- /dev/null
+return [
+ 'civicrm_membership' => [
+ 'is_override' => "DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Admin users may set a manual status which overrides the calculated status. When this flag is true, automated status update scripts should NOT modify status for the record.'",
+ 'is_test' => "DEFAULT 0",
+ 'is_pay_later' => "DEFAULT 0",
+ ],
+ 'civicrm_membership_block' => [
+ 'display_min_fee' => "DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Display minimum membership fee'",
+ 'is_separate_payment' => "DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Should membership transactions be processed separately'",
+ 'is_required' => "DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is membership sign up optional'",
+ 'is_active' => "DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this membership_block enabled'",
+ ],
+ 'civicrm_membership_status' => [
+ 'is_current_member' => "DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE).'",
+ 'is_admin' => "DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is this status for admin/manual assignment only.'",
+ 'is_default' => "DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Assign this status to a membership record if no other status match is found.'",
+ 'is_active' => "DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this membership_status enabled.'",
+ 'is_reserved' => "DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is this membership_status reserved.'",
+ ],
$this->assertEquals($createdMembershipID, $membershipAfterProcess['id']);
- $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('is_override', $membershipAfterProcess);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('status_override_end_date', $membershipAfterProcess);
$this->assertEquals($createdMembershipID, $membershipAfterProcess['id']);
- $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('is_override', $membershipAfterProcess);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('status_override_end_date', $membershipAfterProcess);
+ <default>0</default>
+ <required>true</required>
+ <required>true</required>
<title>Is Pay Later</title>
+ <required>true</required>
<title>Membership Block Display Minimum Fee</title>
+ <required>true</required>
<comment>Display minimum membership fee</comment>
<title>Membership Block Is Separate Payment</title>
+ <required>true</required>
<comment>Should membership transactions be processed separately</comment>
<title>Is Required</title>
+ <required>true</required>
<comment>Is membership sign up optional</comment>
<title>Is Active</title>
+ <required>true</required>
<comment>Is this membership_block enabled</comment>
<title>Current Membership?</title>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <required>true</required>
<comment>Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE).</comment>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <required>true</required>
<title>Default Status?</title>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <required>true</required>
<title>Is Active</title>
+ <required>true</required>
<title>Is Reserved</title>
+ <required>true</required>