-- CRM-17118 extend civicrm_address postal_code to accept full data strings from paypal etc.
ALTER TABLE civicrm_address CHANGE `postal_code` `postal_code` varchar(64) ;
--- CRM-18699 Fix Wake Island misspelling, was Wake Ialand
-UPDATE civicrm_state_province SET name="Wake Island" WHERE id=4981;
{localize field="label"}label = '{ts escape="sql"}Print/Merge Document{/ts}'{/localize},
{localize field="description"}description = '{ts escape="sql"}Export letters and other printable documents.{/ts}'{/localize}
WHERE name = 'Print PDF Letter' AND option_group_id = @option_group_id_act;
+-- CRM-18699 Fix Wake Island misspelling, was Wake Ialand
+UPDATE civicrm_state_province SET name="Wake Island" WHERE name="Wake Ialand";