--- /dev/null
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ Accept:
+ - '*/*'
+ Accept-Encoding:
+ - gzip, deflate
+ Connection:
+ - keep-alive
+ User-Agent:
+ - Python/3.10.0 Requests/2.27.1 Tweepy/4.6.0
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/1293593516040269825/quote_tweets
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: !!binary |
+ OKmYtvIENBdWcmz/5zu/jp2HpFJRJZNvD4mpkklCuchFTohMGU9ZJlmeJ+Mk6ruIkxeXcHS5MTFq
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+ 00YAGJ33sXZ2DKNF022p57aOsQ2Tw8N4ULpDeU/KxXs6veh2+ZngpBBECsIYl2JvjJcFZ7lMOc8E
+ +pfRvQFPecYF4QXLWU7wvD6Df8HMYbkVexJS1cpYE6JX0Tg7EISubbF1tqtUWSJnHAhm/gBOuxC0
+ sTBt3pzc35sxqMVWo4xmjRoBalUusagXWwdIOHUtVuVwJdx2plyiKW3T48RlrXtYKWw2E6FEozzu
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+ TQE7XSy+pm0+W84+zXbj3V1Pjz+fNWcfdrxmnNCUUIJdUqDr+9MkLGUF55QRkuaSCLk34LRgIueM
+ I3VW8D26yIlglGW5RPqc0Zz93+Dfx8lKDz//h8Tr0DXxanuckwkl48Qi91V0S22R/prc6rXLFm7R
+ 9Mnj4x8AAAD//wMA+ligKjUIAAA=
+ headers:
+ api-version:
+ - '2.38'
+ cache-control:
+ - no-cache, no-store, max-age=0
+ content-disposition:
+ - attachment; filename=json.json
+ content-encoding:
+ - gzip
+ content-length:
+ - '647'
+ content-type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ date:
+ - Thu, 17 Mar 2022 22:36:03 UTC
+ server:
+ - tsa_b
+ set-cookie:
+ - guest_id_marketing=v1%3A164755656286570056; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sat,
+ 16 Mar 2024 22:36:03 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ - guest_id_ads=v1%3A164755656286570056; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sat, 16 Mar
+ 2024 22:36:03 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ - personalization_id="v1_P3Oiv406PvpnkmH15uKI3A=="; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sat,
+ 16 Mar 2024 22:36:03 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ - guest_id=v1%3A164755656286570056; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sat, 16 Mar 2024
+ 22:36:03 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ strict-transport-security:
+ - max-age=631138519
+ x-access-level:
+ - read
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+ - f075da26aecd07d6597c14e21f39a06f2ac88fc9c0089ae7bddb700e85b3ba4b
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+ - nosniff
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+ x-rate-limit-limit:
+ - '75'
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+ - '74'
+ x-rate-limit-reset:
+ - '1647557462'
+ x-response-time:
+ - '660'
+ x-xss-protection:
+ - '0'
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+version: 1
| `POST /2/tweets`_ | :meth:`Client.create_tweet` |
+ | .. centered:: |Quote Tweets|_ |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
+ | `GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets`_ | :meth:`Client.get_quote_tweets` |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
| .. centered:: |Retweets|_ |
| `DELETE /2/users/:id/retweets/:source_tweet_id`_ | :meth:`Client.unretweet` |
.. |Manage Tweets| replace:: *Manage Tweets*
.. _DELETE /2/tweets/:id: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/manage-tweets/api-reference/delete-tweets-id
.. _POST /2/tweets: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/manage-tweets/api-reference/post-tweets
+.. |Quote Tweets| replace:: *Quote Tweets*
+.. _GET /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/quote-tweets/api-reference/get-tweets-id-quote_tweets
.. |Retweets| replace:: *Retweets*
.. _DELETE /2/users/:id/retweets/:source_tweet_id: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/retweets/api-reference/delete-users-id-retweets-tweet_id
.. _GET /2/tweets/:id/retweeted_by: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/retweets/api-reference/get-tweets-id-retweeted_by
.. automethod:: Client.create_tweet
+Quote Tweets
+.. automethod:: Client.get_quote_tweets
tweet_id = response.data["id"]
+ @tape.use_cassette("test_get_quote_tweets.yaml", serializer="yaml")
+ def test_get_quote_tweets(self):
+ tweet_id = 1293593516040269825 # @TwitterDev Tweet announcing API v2
+ self.client.get_quote_tweets(tweet_id)
@tape.use_cassette("test_retweet_and_unretweet.yaml", serializer="yaml")
def test_retweet_and_unretweet(self):
tweet_id = 1415348607813832708 # @TwitterDev Tweet announcing API v2 Retweet endpoints
"POST", f"/2/tweets", json=json, user_auth=user_auth
+ # Quote Tweets
+ def get_quote_tweets(self, id, *, user_auth=False, **params):
+ """get_quote_tweets( \
+ id, *, expansions=None, max_results=None, media_fields=None, \
+ pagination_token=None, place_fields=None, poll_fields=None, \
+ tweet_fields=None, user_fields=None, user_auth=False \
+ )
+ Returns Quote Tweets for a Tweet specified by the requested Tweet ID.
+ The Tweets returned by this endpoint count towards the Project-level
+ `Tweet cap`_.
+ .. versionadded:: 4.7
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ id : int | str
+ Unique identifier of the Tweet to request.
+ expansions : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`expansions_parameter`
+ max_results : int | None
+ Specifies the number of Tweets to try and retrieve, up to a maximum
+ of 100 per distinct request. By default, 10 results are returned if
+ this parameter is not supplied. The minimum permitted value is 10.
+ It is possible to receive less than the ``max_results`` per request
+ throughout the pagination process.
+ media_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`media_fields_parameter`
+ pagination_token : str | None
+ This parameter is used to move forwards through 'pages' of results,
+ based on the value of the ``next_token``. The value used with the
+ parameter is pulled directly from the response provided by the API,
+ and should not be modified.
+ place_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`place_fields_parameter`
+ poll_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`poll_fields_parameter`
+ tweet_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`tweet_fields_parameter`
+ user_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`user_fields_parameter`
+ user_auth : bool
+ Whether or not to use OAuth 1.0a User Context to authenticate
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict | requests.Response | Response
+ References
+ ----------
+ https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/quote-tweets/api-reference/get-tweets-id-quote_tweets
+ .. _Tweet cap: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/projects/overview#tweet-cap
+ """
+ return self._make_request(
+ "GET", f"/2/tweets/{id}/quote_tweets", params=params,
+ endpoint_parameters=(
+ "expansions", "max_results", "media.fields",
+ "pagination_token", "place.fields", "poll.fields",
+ "tweet.fields", "user.fields"
+ ), data_type=Tweet, user_auth=user_auth
+ )
# Retweets
def unretweet(self, source_tweet_id, *, user_auth=True):