{{:: ts('Without Role-Based access, users of the form will be able to view and update any %1 by changing the id in the URL.', {1: getMeta().label}) }}
<div class="description" ng-if="$ctrl.entity['url-autofill'] === '1'">
- {{:: ts('Update %1 by including the id in the link to this form:', {1: getMeta().label}) }}
- <code>
- {{ ($ctrl.editor.getLink() || '') + '#?' + $ctrl.entity.name + '=123' }}
- </code>
+ <p>
+ {{:: ts('Update %1 by including the id in the link to this form:', {1: $ctrl.entity.name}) }}
+ <code>
+ {{ ($ctrl.editor.getLink() || '') + '#?' + $ctrl.entity.name + '=123' }}
+ </code>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {{:: ts('If you have made a repeating container for %1, you may update multiple %2s using comma-separated ids:', {1: $ctrl.entity.name, 2: getMeta().label}) }}
+ <code>
+ {{ ($ctrl.editor.getLink() || '') + '#?' + $ctrl.entity.name + '=123,456' }}
+ </code>
+ </p>