-<div class="column2" markdown="1">
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
+<div class="col2" markdown="1">
## Licensing and Compliance
The FSF's Licensing and Compliance Lab defends free software through license enforcement and enforcement support, a rigorous product certification, and educational resources.
Along with answering hundreds of licensing questions from the public, dedicated volunteers continued to expand and improve the Free Software Directory for nearly two million annual visitors, and we made inroads with government, helping the US Department of Defense to distribute free software. We also organized volunteers to create a workaround for Web site maintainers who want to register as an agent under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) while avoiding the nonfree JavaScript the process currently requires.
-<div class="column2" markdown="1">
![Photo of a man with light brown hair, glasses, and a brown, white, and red sweater, holding two small mobile phones in his hands.](images/licensing-gingerich_crop.jpg){: .image-process-article-image}
The FSF's Respects Your Freedom product certification program encourages the creation and sale of hardware that will do as much as possible to respect your freedom and privacy.
-In FY17, fifteen devices from Technoethical became RYF certified: six laptops, two docking stations, a mainboard, three WiFi USB adapters, two internal WiFI devices, and a Bluetooth USB adapter. RYF certification was also awarded to three devices from Vikings: a USB stereo sound adapter, a mainboard, and a laptop, bringing the total number of RYF certified devices to twenty-seven (at the time).
+In FY17, fifteen devices from Technoethical became RYF certified: six laptops, two docking stations, a mainboard, three WiFi USB adapters, two internal WiFI devices, and a Bluetooth USB adapter. RYF certification was also awarded to three devices from Vikings: a USB stereo sound adapter, a mainboard, and a laptop, bringing the number of RYF certified devices to twenty-seven.
-<div class="column2 float-left" markdown="1">
+<div class="col2" markdown="1">
## Campaigns
Along with our own comments, we rallied the free software community to submit their own comments in favor of anti-circumvention exemptions — and passionate critiques of the entire process.
-<div class="column3 float-left" markdown="1">
### EME in Web standards
Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) is just another way to dress up DRM. The FSF and the free software community organized to oppose a proposal by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make EME a Web standard. We called and wrote W3C president Tim Berners-Lee, asking him to keep the Web free. While we lost this battle, and EME became a Web standard, we're looking at our options for next steps. We are not giving up hope for a free Web, even if its inventor did.
### Free people, free net
Internet freedom in the United States found itself on the national stage in 2017. Over the course of the year, Ajit Pai became chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and instigated a war against net neutrality. The FSF joined with dozens of other organizations to raise awareness and organize in support of net neutrality.
-<div class="column5 float-left" markdown="1">
-### Free Software Supporter subscribers
-: October, 2016
-: September, 2017
![Sumana Harihareswara gives the closing keynote at LibrePlanet 2017](images/campaigns-stats-lp_small.jpg){: .image-process-article-image}
Credit: Kori Feener, CC-BY 4.0
+<div markdown=1>
+<div class="column2" markdown=1>
+### Free Software Supporter subscribers
+: October, 2016
+: September, 2017
+<div class="column2" markdown=1>
### LibrePlanet 2017
: hours of streamed and recorded videos
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
{% separator {
"title": "Why I joined the FSF",
"quote": "To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."
-<div class="xx column2 float-left" markdown="1">
+<div class="col2" markdown="1">
## Tech
### Infrastructure for free software development and activism
The tech team and its volunteers also power LibrePlanet, the annual free software conference. Its livestream and recording infrastructure reduce barriers to access for those who are not able to attend the conference in person. Volunteer-monitored IRC channels for each talk and workshop room increase the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. Recordings are archived on the FSF's GNU MediaGoblin instance shortly after the event. And it's all done with free software!
+Additionally, this three-person team runs the GNU shell server, oversees the security of GNU software distribution and infrastructure, and works with volunteers to maintain savannah.gnu.org. They also maintain many services used by staff, volunteers, and the free software community, including the FSF's CiviCRM server, fsf.org, libreplanet.org, defectivebydesign.org, the Free Software Directory, XMPP servers for staff and members, mailing lists, apt mirrors, git repositories, internal wikis, a GNU social server, a Single Sign-On server, email servers, DNS servers, internal site monitoring systems, a Request Tracker instance, and the FSF shop.
### What's GNU in FY17
average of 1.2M
: monthly unique visitors to gnu.org
-Additionally, this three-person team runs the GNU shell server, oversees the security of GNU software distribution and infrastructure, and works with volunteers to maintain savannah.gnu.org. They also maintain many services used by staff, volunteers, and the free software community, including the FSF's CiviCRM server, fsf.org, libreplanet.org, defectivebydesign.org, the Free Software Directory, XMPP servers for staff and members, mailing lists, apt mirrors, git repositories, internal wikis, a GNU social server, a Single Sign-On server, email servers, DNS servers, internal site monitoring systems, a Request Tracker instance, and the FSF shop.
And the team collaborates with the free software community, maintaining gnu.org with the help of volunteers, and working with interns who are advancing their skills and knowledge in working with and creating free software.
The team introduced some new infrastructure using distributed Ceph storage and multiple KVM hosts for our new virtual machines. They started the next round of upgrades, including the implementation of a new mail server stack supporting over three thousand free software project mailing lists, and improving the LibrePlanet conference streaming setup by using Ansible to manage the laptops used for streaming, introducing new hardware, and using HUBAngl (streaming software created by an FSF intern).
-<div class="column2 float-left" markdown="1">
![A tiered classroom, filled with people. A person stands at the front of the room, beneath a large projection screen, giving a talk.](images/sysadmin-libreplanet.jpg){: .image-process-article-image}
The tech team maintains the free software infrastructure for all FSF operations, including the annual LibrePlanet conference.
Credit: Kori Feener, CC-BY 4.0
-<div class="column5 float-left" markdown="1">
### Defending user freedom with free software
FSF and GNU infrastructure includes:
: Amazon EC2 instances
-<div class="column3 float-left" markdown="1">
### Working Together for Free Software
[![GNU Guix logo](images/guix.svg)](https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=50){.logos}
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
+{% separator {
+ "title": "Why I joined the FSF",
+ "quote": "To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."
## Financial Statement
The following is a visualization of the Free Software Foundation's FY 2017 financial statement. The original documents can be found [here]().
-<div style="clear:both" markdown=1>
+<div class="nocollapse" style="clear:both" markdown=1>
<div class="column3" markdown=1>
### Statement of Financial Position
-{% separator {
- "title": "Why I joined the FSF",
- "quote": "I simply use GNU tools every day."
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
## Donors
+This list includes our patrons, in-kind supporters, and those who receive ThankGNUs for donations totaling over $500 in a year. The FSF appreciates and thanks the thousands of individual donors, members, and corporate patrons worldwide who make our work possible.
### Institutional Support
-<div class="donors" markdown=1>
+<div class="donors col2" markdown=1>
* Private Internet Access
* Alibaba Group
* Craigslist Charitable Fund
* Kat Walsh
* Philipp Weis
* Marinos Yannikos
### $500-$999
-<div class="donors" markdown=1>
* Jean-Louis Abraham
* Ben Abrams
* Bashar Al-Abdulhadi
* Jim Wright
* hiroo yamagata
* Adam Ymeren
-This list includes our patrons, in-kind supporters, and those who receive ThankGNUs for donations totaling over $500 in a year. The FSF appreciates and thanks the thousands of individual donors, members, and corporate patrons worldwide who make our work possible.
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
+{% separator {
+ "title": "Why I joined the FSF",
+ "quote": "To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."
<div class="column2" markdown=1>
![An image of a keyboard](images/donors-opener.jpg){.colortone}
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
## Leadership and Staff
-<div class="column3" markdown=1>
+<div class="boardcolumn width-25 float-left" style="padding-right:2rem" markdown=1>
### Board of Directors
![Richard M. Stallman](images/richard-stallman_grad.jpg){.width-50 .colortone}
President and Distinguished Technologist, Software Freedom Conservancy
#### Kat Walsh
-<div class="staffcolumn float-left" markdown=1>
+<div class="staffcolumn width-70 float-left" markdown=1>
### Leadership
<div class="staff" markdown=1>
Copyright and Licensing Associate
+### Campaigns
<div class="staff" markdown=1>
![Molly de Blanc](images/molly-de-blanc_square_grad.jpg)
-<div style="clear:both"></div>
-Leadership and staff lists are up to date as of publication, January 2019.
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<li><a href="">FSF FY2018 Annual Report</a></li>
-<div class="column2">
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
+<div class="col2">
<h2 id="licensing-and-compliance">Licensing and Compliance</h2>
<p>The FSF's Licensing and Compliance Lab defends free software through license enforcement and enforcement support, a rigorous product certification, and educational resources.</p>
<p>In FY17, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL). This is the free software copyleft license that ensures the user's right to run, study, share, and modify software. In addition to being the steward of the GPL, the FSF holds copyright on much of the GNU operating system. The licensing team spent the year accepting copyright assignments from software developers and corporations, investigating GPL violations, and answering licensing questions from the community.</p>
<p>We championed copylefted projects, publishing another seven installments in an ongoing series of conversations with free software developers who choose GNU licenses for their work. We also certified a record number of devices under our Respects Your Freedom certification program, which identifies devices that do as much as possible to respect user freedom.</p>
<p>Along with answering hundreds of licensing questions from the public, dedicated volunteers continued to expand and improve the Free Software Directory for nearly two million annual visitors, and we made inroads with government, helping the US Department of Defense to distribute free software. We also organized volunteers to create a workaround for Web site maintainers who want to register as an agent under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) while avoiding the nonfree JavaScript the process currently requires.</p>
-<div class="column2">
<p><img alt="Photo of a man with light brown hair, glasses, and a brown, white, and red sweater, holding two small mobile phones in his hands." class="image-process-article-image" src="images/derivatives/article-image/licensing-gingerich_crop.jpg"/></p>
<p class="caption">Denver Gingerich, a developer of packages under the AGPLv3 and other GNU licenses, speaking at LibrePlanet 2017 about free software for mobile phones.</p>
<p class="credit">CREDIT: Kori Feener, CC-BY 4.0</p>
<h3 id="respects-your-freedom-certification">Respects Your Freedom certification</h3>
<p><img alt="RYF Logo" class="align-left width-40" src="images/RYF-logo.png"/></p>
<p>The FSF's Respects Your Freedom product certification program encourages the creation and sale of hardware that will do as much as possible to respect your freedom and privacy.</p>
-<p>In FY17, fifteen devices from Technoethical became RYF certified: six laptops, two docking stations, a mainboard, three WiFi USB adapters, two internal WiFI devices, and a Bluetooth USB adapter. RYF certification was also awarded to three devices from Vikings: a USB stereo sound adapter, a mainboard, and a laptop, bringing the total number of RYF certified devices to twenty-seven (at the time).</p>
+<p>In FY17, fifteen devices from Technoethical became RYF certified: six laptops, two docking stations, a mainboard, three WiFi USB adapters, two internal WiFI devices, and a Bluetooth USB adapter. RYF certification was also awarded to three devices from Vikings: a USB stereo sound adapter, a mainboard, and a laptop, bringing the number of RYF certified devices to twenty-seven.</p>
<p><div class="quote-box-top"></div> <div class="quote-box"> <h4>Why I joined the FSF</h4> <blockquote><p>"To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."</p></blockquote></div></p>
<p><img alt="A photo of a wall in Florida. Spraypainted on the wall is 'DRM' with a red circle and crossed out." class="image-process-article-image" src="images/derivatives/article-image/campaigns-drm.png"/></p>
<p class="caption">34th Street Wall, Gainesville, Florida</p>
<p class="credit">Credit: Gavin Baker, CC-BY-SA 4.0 </p>
-<div class="column2 float-left">
+<div class="col2">
<h2 id="campaigns">Campaigns</h2>
<h3 id="fighting-drm-wherever-its-found">Fighting DRM wherever it's found</h3>
<p>In the past year, we've fought back against Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) on multiple fronts.
<p>The licensing team continued to raise the alarm about legislative issues like the US federal government's continued insistence on forcing supporters of user freedom to fight for exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's (DMCA) anti-circumvention restrictions.</p>
<p>The DMCA is a particularly egregious example of legislative endorsement of DRM. It destroys user freedom, and concentrates control over the production and distribution of digital media, giving DRM peddlers the power to carry out massive digital book burnings and conduct large scale surveillance over people's media viewing habits. Even the process for getting exceptions to the anti-circumvention rules for the purposes of research or use of assistive technologies is draconian, resetting every three years and requiring nonfree JavaScript in order to submit a comment on the process, unless you get special permission to comment in another way.</p>
<p>Along with our own comments, we rallied the free software community to submit their own comments in favor of anti-circumvention exemptions — and passionate critiques of the entire process.</p>
-<div class="column3 float-left">
<h3 id="eme-in-web-standards">EME in Web standards</h3>
<p>Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) is just another way to dress up DRM. The FSF and the free software community organized to oppose a proposal by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make EME a Web standard. We called and wrote W3C president Tim Berners-Lee, asking him to keep the Web free. While we lost this battle, and EME became a Web standard, we're looking at our options for next steps. We are not giving up hope for a free Web, even if its inventor did.</p>
<h3 id="free-people-free-net">Free people, free net</h3>
<p>Internet freedom in the United States found itself on the national stage in 2017. Over the course of the year, Ajit Pai became chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and instigated a war against net neutrality. The FSF joined with dozens of other organizations to raise awareness and organize in support of net neutrality.</p>
-<div class="column5 float-left">
+<p><img alt="Sumana Harihareswara gives the closing keynote at LibrePlanet 2017" class="image-process-article-image" src="images/derivatives/article-image/campaigns-stats-lp_small.jpg"/></p>
+<p class="caption">Sumana Harihareswara gives the closing keynote at LibrePlanet 2017</p>
+<p class="credit">Credit: Kori Feener, CC-BY 4.0</p>
+<div class="column2">
<h3 id="free-software-supporter-subscribers">Free Software Supporter subscribers</h3>
<dd>September, 2017</dd>
-<p><img alt="Sumana Harihareswara gives the closing keynote at LibrePlanet 2017" class="image-process-article-image" src="images/derivatives/article-image/campaigns-stats-lp_small.jpg"/></p>
-<p class="caption">Sumana Harihareswara gives the closing keynote at LibrePlanet 2017</p>
-<p class="credit">Credit: Kori Feener, CC-BY 4.0</p>
+<div class="column2">
<h3 id="libreplanet-2017">LibrePlanet 2017</h3>
<dd>hours of streamed and recorded videos</dd>
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
<p><div class="quote-box-top"></div> <div class="quote-box"> <h4>Why I joined the FSF</h4> <blockquote><p>"To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."</p></blockquote></div></p>
-<div class="xx column2 float-left">
+<div class="col2">
<h2 id="tech">Tech</h2>
<h3 id="infrastructure-for-free-software-development-and-activism">Infrastructure for free software development and activism</h3>
<p>This year, the FSF's tech team made some crucial infrastructure upgrades that improve both the Foundation's daily operations and the GNU Project. The changes included running more services on hardware that is Respects Your Freedom certified, including a Librebooted BIOS and running Trisquel GNU/Linux, proving that complex software projects and modern nonprofit organizations can succeed relying on free software.</p>
<p>The tech team and its volunteers also power LibrePlanet, the annual free software conference. Its livestream and recording infrastructure reduce barriers to access for those who are not able to attend the conference in person. Volunteer-monitored IRC channels for each talk and workshop room increase the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. Recordings are archived on the FSF's GNU MediaGoblin instance shortly after the event. And it's all done with free software!</p>
+<p>Additionally, this three-person team runs the GNU shell server, oversees the security of GNU software distribution and infrastructure, and works with volunteers to maintain savannah.gnu.org. They also maintain many services used by staff, volunteers, and the free software community, including the FSF's CiviCRM server, fsf.org, libreplanet.org, defectivebydesign.org, the Free Software Directory, XMPP servers for staff and members, mailing lists, apt mirrors, git repositories, internal wikis, a GNU social server, a Single Sign-On server, email servers, DNS servers, internal site monitoring systems, a Request Tracker instance, and the FSF shop.</p>
<h3 id="whats-gnu-in-fy17">What's GNU in FY17</h3>
<dt>average of 1.2M</dt>
<dd>monthly unique visitors to gnu.org</dd>
-<p>Additionally, this three-person team runs the GNU shell server, oversees the security of GNU software distribution and infrastructure, and works with volunteers to maintain savannah.gnu.org. They also maintain many services used by staff, volunteers, and the free software community, including the FSF's CiviCRM server, fsf.org, libreplanet.org, defectivebydesign.org, the Free Software Directory, XMPP servers for staff and members, mailing lists, apt mirrors, git repositories, internal wikis, a GNU social server, a Single Sign-On server, email servers, DNS servers, internal site monitoring systems, a Request Tracker instance, and the FSF shop.</p>
<p>And the team collaborates with the free software community, maintaining gnu.org with the help of volunteers, and working with interns who are advancing their skills and knowledge in working with and creating free software.</p>
<p>The team introduced some new infrastructure using distributed Ceph storage and multiple KVM hosts for our new virtual machines. They started the next round of upgrades, including the implementation of a new mail server stack supporting over three thousand free software project mailing lists, and improving the LibrePlanet conference streaming setup by using Ansible to manage the laptops used for streaming, introducing new hardware, and using HUBAngl (streaming software created by an FSF intern).</p>
-<div class="column2 float-left">
<p><img alt="A tiered classroom, filled with people. A person stands at the front of the room, beneath a large projection screen, giving a talk." class="image-process-article-image" src="images/derivatives/article-image/sysadmin-libreplanet.jpg"/></p>
<p class="caption">The tech team maintains the free software infrastructure for all FSF operations, including the annual LibrePlanet conference.</p>
<p class="credit">Credit: Kori Feener, CC-BY 4.0</p>
-<div class="column5 float-left">
<h3 id="defending-user-freedom-with-free-software">Defending user freedom with free software</h3>
<p>FSF and GNU infrastructure includes:</p>
<dd>Amazon EC2 instances</dd>
-<div class="column3 float-left">
<h3 id="working-together-for-free-software">Working Together for Free Software</h3>
<p><a class="logos" href="https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=50"><img alt="GNU Guix logo" src="images/guix.svg"/></a>
<a class="logos" href="https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=22"><img alt="GNU Mailman logo" src="images/mailman.svg"/></a>
<a class="logos" href="https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=58"><img alt="SeaGL logo" src="images/seagl.png"/></a></p>
<p>The FSF acts as fiscal sponsor for free software projects and events whose scope and purpose align with the FSF’s mission. Participating projects benefit from the FSF’s nonprofit status, administrative infrastructure, and fundraising expertise. In FY17, these eight projects received $67,130 in direct support from the free software community via the Working Together for Free Software Fund.</p>
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
+<p><div class="quote-box-top"></div> <div class="quote-box"> <h4>Why I joined the FSF</h4> <blockquote><p>"To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."</p></blockquote></div></p>
<h2 id="financial-statement">Financial Statement</h2>
<p><img "="" class="matplotlib" src="images/fa2018.png" type="image/png"/></p>
<p>The following is a visualization of the Free Software Foundation's FY 2017 financial statement. The original documents can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
-<div style="clear:both">
+<div class="nocollapse" style="clear:both">
<div class="column3">
<h3 id="statement-of-financial-position">Statement of Financial Position</h3>
-<p><div class="quote-box-top"></div> <div class="quote-box"> <h4>Why I joined the FSF</h4> <blockquote><p>"I simply use GNU tools every day."</p></blockquote></div></p>
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
<h2 id="donors">Donors</h2>
+<p>This list includes our patrons, in-kind supporters, and those who receive ThankGNUs for donations totaling over $500 in a year. The FSF appreciates and thanks the thousands of individual donors, members, and corporate patrons worldwide who make our work possible.</p>
<h3 id="institutional-support">Institutional Support</h3>
-<div class="donors">
+<div class="donors col2">
<li>Private Internet Access</li>
<li>Alibaba Group</li>
<li>Philipp Weis</li>
<li>Marinos Yannikos</li>
<h3 id="500-999">$500-$999</h3>
-<div class="donors">
<li>Jean-Louis Abraham</li>
<li>Ben Abrams</li>
<li>hiroo yamagata</li>
<li>Adam Ymeren </li>
-<p>This list includes our patrons, in-kind supporters, and those who receive ThankGNUs for donations totaling over $500 in a year. The FSF appreciates and thanks the thousands of individual donors, members, and corporate patrons worldwide who make our work possible.</p>
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
+<p><div class="quote-box-top"></div> <div class="quote-box"> <h4>Why I joined the FSF</h4> <blockquote><p>"To fight the dystopia of a DRM-overgrown world."</p></blockquote></div></p>
<div class="column2">
<p><img alt="An image of a keyboard" class="colortone" src="images/donors-opener.jpg"/></p>
<h3 id="join-the-free-software-foundation">Join the Free Software Foundation</h3>
<p>Our mission is to promote computer user freedom and defend the rights of all software users, worldwide. Though free software is used more widely than ever, it is under threat from a wide range of interests that profit from controlling and surveilling computer users. You can help put control over computers back in the hands of the people who use them! Try a free software program, or switch to a free operating system. Make a donation, or make a long term commitment to free software by becoming a Free Software Foundation Associate Member. Learn more at fsf.org.</p>
+<div class="pagebreak"></div>
<h2 id="leadership-and-staff">Leadership and Staff</h2>
-<div class="column3">
+<div class="boardcolumn width-25 float-left" style="padding-right:2rem">
<h3 id="board-of-directors">Board of Directors</h3>
<p><img alt="Richard M. Stallman" class="width-50 colortone" src="images/richard-stallman_grad.jpg"/></p>
<h4 id="richard-m-stallman">Richard M. Stallman</h4>
<h4 id="kat-walsh">Kat Walsh</h4>
-<div class="staffcolumn float-left">
+<div class="staffcolumn width-70 float-left">
<h3 id="leadership">Leadership</h3>
<div class="staff">
<p><img alt="John Sullivan" src="images/john-sullivan_square_grad.jpg"/></p>
<p>Assistant to the President </p>
-<div style="clear:both"></div>
-<p class="align-right smaller">Leadership and staff lists are up to date as of publication, January 2019.</p>