from PIL import Image
+import sys,os
""" Convert values between RGB hex codes and xterm-256 color codes.
('255', 'eeeeee'),
-def _str2hex(hexstr):
- return int(hexstr, 16)
def _strip_hash(rgb):
# Strip leading `#` if exists.
if rgb.startswith('#'):
def short2rgb(short):
return SHORT2RGB_DICT[short]
+def pixel_print(ansicolor):
+ sys.stdout.write('\033[48;5;%sm \033[0m' % (ansicolor))
def print_all():
""" Print all 256 xterm color codes.
""" Find the closest xterm-256 approximation to the given RGB value.
@param rgb: Hex code representing an RGB value, eg, 'abcdef'
@returns: String between 0 and 255, compatible with xterm.
- >>> rgb2short('123456')
- ('23', '005f5f')
- >>> rgb2short('ffffff')
- ('231', 'ffffff')
- >>> rgb2short('0DADD6') # vimeo logo
- ('38', '00afd7')
rgb = _strip_hash(rgb)
- incs = (0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff)
- # Break 6-char RGB code into 3 integer vals.
- parts = [ int(h, 16) for h in re.split(r'(..)(..)(..)', rgb)[1:4] ]
- res = []
- for part in parts:
- i = 0
- while i < len(incs)-1:
- s, b = incs[i], incs[i+1] # smaller, bigger
- if s <= part <= b:
- s1 = abs(s - part)
- b1 = abs(b - part)
- if s1 < b1: closest = s
- else: closest = b
- res.append(closest)
- break
- i += 1
- #print '***', res
- res = ''.join([ ('%02.x' % i) for i in res ])
- equiv = RGB2SHORT_DICT[ res ]
- #print '***', res, equiv
- return equiv, res
+ r = int(rgb[:2],16)
+ g = int(rgb[2:4],16)
+ b = int(rgb[4:],16)
+ match = 0
+ min_distance = 1000000000
+ ary = [hex_to_rgb(hex) for hex in RGB2SHORT_DICT]
+ for ri,gi,bi in ary:
+ d = (ri -r)**2 + (gi-g)**2 + (bi-b)**2
+ if d < min_distance:
+ min_distance = d
+ match = rgb_to_hex((ri,gi,bi))
+ return RGB2SHORT_DICT[_strip_hash(match)]
+# incs = (0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff)
+# parts = [ int(h, 16) for h in re.split(r'(..)(..)(..)', rgb)[1:4] ]
+# res = []
+# for part in parts:
+# i = 0
+# while i < len(incs)-1:
+# s, b = incs[i], incs[i+1] # smaller, bigger
+# if s <= part <= b:
+# s1 = abs(s - part)
+# b1 = abs(b - part)
+# if s1 < b1: closest = s
+# else: closest = b
+# res.append(closest)
+# break
+# i += 1
+# #print '***', res
+# res = ''.join([ ('%02.x' % i) for i in res ])
+# equiv = RGB2SHORT_DICT[ res ]
+# #print '***', res, equiv
+# return equiv
RGB2SHORT_DICT, SHORT2RGB_DICT = _create_dicts()
-def imgge_to_display(path):
+def image_to_display(path):
i =
- return
+ i = i.convert('RGBA')
+ w,h = i.size
+ i.load()
+ rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
+ width = min(w, int(columns)-2*6)
+ height = int(float(h) * (float(width) / float(w)))
+ height //= 2
+ i = i.resize((width, height), Image.BICUBIC)
+ for y in xrange(height):
+ print ' '*6 ,
+ for x in xrange(width):
+ p = i.getpixel((x,y))
+ r, g, b = p[:3]
+ hex = rgb_to_hex((r,g,b))
+ pixel_print(rgb2short(hex))
+ print ''
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- print_all()
- raise SystemExit
- arg = sys.argv[1]
- if len(arg) < 4 and int(arg) < 256:
- rgb = short2rgb(arg)
- sys.stdout.write('xterm color \033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m -> RGB exact \033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m' % (arg, arg, arg, rgb))
- sys.stdout.write("\033[0m\n")
- else:
- short, rgb = rgb2short(arg)
- sys.stdout.write('RGB %s -> xterm color approx \033[38;5;%sm%s (%s)' % (arg, short, short, rgb))
- sys.stdout.write("\033[0m\n")
+ path = sys.argv[1]
+ image_to_display(path)
+# import doctest
+# doctest.testmod()
+# if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+# print_all()
+# raise SystemExit
+# arg = sys.argv[1]
+# if len(arg) < 4 and int(arg) < 256:
+# rgb = short2rgb(arg)
+# sys.stdout.write('xterm color \033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m -> RGB exact \033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m' % (arg, arg, arg, rgb))
+# sys.stdout.write("\033[0m\n")
+# else:
+# short = rgb2short(arg)
+# sys.stdout.write('RGB %s -> xterm color approx \033[38;5;%sm%s ' % (arg, short, short ))
+# sys.stdout.write("\033[0m\n")