// also get values array for relation_target_name
// for relatinship search we always do wildcard
+ $relationType = $this->getWhereValues('relation_type_id', $grouping);
$targetName = $this->getWhereValues('relation_target_name', $grouping);
$relStatus = $this->getWhereValues('relation_status', $grouping);
$relPermission = $this->getWhereValues('relation_permission', $grouping);
$targetGroup = $this->getWhereValues('relation_target_group', $grouping);
$nameClause = $name = NULL;
if ($targetName) {
$name = trim($targetName[2]);
- $rel = explode('_', $value);
- self::$_relType = $rel[1];
- $params = array('id' => $rel[0]);
$rTypeValues = array();
- $rType = CRM_Contact_BAO_RelationshipType::retrieve($params, $rTypeValues);
- if ($rTypeValues['name_a_b'] == $rTypeValues['name_b_a']) {
+ if( !empty($relationType) ) {
+ $rel = explode('_', $relationType[2]);
+ self::$_relType = $rel[1];
+ $params = array('id' => $rel[0]);
+ $rType = CRM_Contact_BAO_RelationshipType::retrieve($params, $rTypeValues);
+ }
+ if ( empty($rTypeValues) ) {
// if we don't know which end of the relationship we are dealing with we'll create a temp table
//@todo unless we are dealing with a target group
self::$_relType = 'reciprocal';
$allRelationshipType = array_merge($allRelationshipType, $relTypeHou);
if ($nameClause || !$targetGroup) {
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "$allRelationshipType[$value] $name";
+ if( !empty($relationType) ) {
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $allRelationshipType[$relationType[2]] ." $name";
+ } else {
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $name;
+ }
$qillNames[] = $groupNames[$groupId];
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "$allRelationshipType[$value] ( " . implode(", ", $qillNames) . " )";
+ if ( !empty($relationType) ) {
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $allRelationshipType[$relationType[2]] ." ( " . implode(", ", $qillNames) . " )";
+ } else {
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = implode(", ", $qillNames);
+ }
// Note we do not currently set mySql to handle timezones, so doing this the old-fashioned way
//check for permissioned, non-permissioned and all permissioned relations
if ($relPermission[2] == 1) {
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = "(
+ $where[$grouping][] = "(
civicrm_relationship.is_permission_a_b = 1
$this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Relationship - Permissioned');
} elseif ($relPermission[2] == 2) {
//non-allowed permission relationship.
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = "(
+ $where[$grouping][] = "(
civicrm_relationship.is_permission_a_b = 0
$this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Relationship - Non-permissioned');
$this->addRelationshipDateClauses($grouping, $where);
- if(!empty($rType) && isset($rType->id)){
+ if( !empty($relationType) && !empty($rType) && isset($rType->id)){
$where[$grouping][] = 'civicrm_relationship.relationship_type_id = ' . $rType->id;
$this->_tables['civicrm_relationship'] = $this->_whereTables['civicrm_relationship'] = 1;
// @todo creating a temp table could be expanded to group filter
// as even creating a temp table of all relationships is much much more efficient than
// an OR in the join
- if($relationshipTempTable) {
- $whereClause = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where[$grouping]);
+ if ($relationshipTempTable) {
+ $whereClause = '';
+ if ( ! empty( $where[$grouping] ) ) {
+ $whereClause = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where[$grouping]);
+ }
$sql = "
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {$relationshipTempTable}
(SELECT contact_id_b as contact_id, civicrm_relationship.id