{* Tab management *}
<script type="text/javascript">
var selectedTab = 'summary';
- var spinnerImage = '<img src="{$config->resourceBase}i/loading.gif" style="width:10px;height:10px"/>';
{if $selectedChild}selectedTab = "{$selectedChild}";{/if}
- //explicitly stop spinner
- function stopSpinner( ) {
- cj('li.crm-tab-button').each(function(){ cj(this).find('span').text(' ');})
- }
cj( function() {
var tabIndex = cj('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length;
- cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs({ selected: tabIndex, spinner: spinnerImage, cache: true, load: stopSpinner});
+ cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs({ active: tabIndex, cache: true});
cj( function() {
var tabIndex = cj('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length
- cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {selected: tabIndex} );
+ cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {active: tabIndex} );
var selectedTabIndex = {/literal}{$selectedTabIndex}{literal};
cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {
- selected: selectedTabIndex,
+ active: selectedTabIndex,
spinner: spinnerImage,
cache: true,
load: stopSpinner
var selectedTabIndex = {/literal}{$selectedTabIndex}{literal};
cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {
- selected: selectedTabIndex,
+ active: selectedTabIndex,
spinner: spinnerImage,
cache: false,
load: stopSpinner
var tabIndex = $('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length;
var spinnerImage = '<img src="{$config->resourceBase}i/loading.gif" style="width:10px;height:10px"/>';
- $("#mainTabContainer").tabs({ selected: tabIndex, spinner: spinnerImage, cache: true, load: stopSpinner});
+ $("#mainTabContainer").tabs({ active: tabIndex, spinner: spinnerImage, cache: true, load: stopSpinner});
cj( function() {
var tabIndex = cj('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length
- cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {selected: tabIndex} );
+ cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {active: tabIndex} );
cj( function() {
var tabIndex = cj('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length
cj("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {
- selected: tabIndex,
+ active: tabIndex,
spinner: spinnerImage,
select: function(event, ui) {
// we need to change the action of parent form, so that form submits to correct page