return $mappedFields;
+ /**
+ * Run import.
+ *
+ * @param \CRM_Queue_TaskContext $taskContext
+ *
+ * @param int $userJobID
+ * @param int $limit
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ public static function runImport($taskContext, $userJobID, $limit) {
+ $userJob = UserJob::get()->addWhere('id', '=', $userJobID)->addSelect('type_id')->execute()->first();
+ $parserClass = NULL;
+ foreach (CRM_Core_BAO_UserJob::getTypes() as $userJobType) {
+ if ($userJob['type_id'] === $userJobType['id']) {
+ $parserClass = $userJobType['class'];
+ }
+ }
+ $parser = new $parserClass();
+ $parser->setUserJobID($userJobID);
+ // Not sure if we still need to init....
+ $parser->init();
+ $dataSource = $parser->getDataSourceObject();
+ $dataSource->setStatuses(['new']);
+ $dataSource->setLimit($limit);
+ while ($row = $dataSource->getRow()) {
+ $values = array_values($row);
+ try {
+ $parser->import($parser->getSubmittedValue('onDuplicate'), $values);
+ }
+ catch (CiviCRM_API3_Exception $e) {
+ // When we catch errors here we are not adding to the errors array - mostly
+ // because that will become obsolete once
+ // is merged and this will replace it as the main way to handle errors (ie. update the table
+ // and move on).
+ $parser->setImportStatus((int) $values[count($values) - 1], 'ERROR', $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ $parser->doPostImportActions();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
* Check if an error in custom data.