- $message->addHelp(ts('Learn more in the <a href="%1">user guide</a>', array(1 => 'http://book.civicrm.org/user/advanced-configuration/email-system-configuration/')));
+ $docUrl = 'target="_blank" href="' . CRM_Utils_System::docURL(array('page' => 'user/advanced-configuration/email-system-configuration/', 'URLonly' => TRUE)) . '""';
+ $message->addHelp(
+ ts('A default mailbox must be configured for email bounce processing.') . '<br />' .
+ ts("Learn more in the <a %1>online documentation</a>.", array(1 => $docUrl))
+ );
$messages[] = $message;
- elseif ($lastCron > gmdate('U') - 86400) {
- $message = new CRM_Utils_Check_Message(
- $msg,
- ts('Cron Not Running'),
- \Psr\Log\LogLevel::WARNING,
- 'fa-clock-o'
- );
- $message->addHelp(ts('Learn more in the <a href="%1">Administrator\'s Guide supplement</a>', array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Managing+Scheduled+Jobs')));
- $messages[] = $message;
- }
else {
$message = new CRM_Utils_Check_Message(
ts('Cron Not Running'),
- \Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR,
+ ($lastCron > gmdate('U') - 86400) ? \Psr\Log\LogLevel::WARNING : \Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR,
- $message->addHelp(ts('Learn more in the <a href="%1">Administrator\'s Guide supplement</a>', array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Managing+Scheduled+Jobs')));
+ $docUrl = 'target="_blank" href="' . CRM_Utils_System::docURL(array('resource' => 'wiki', 'page' => 'Managing Scheduled Jobs', 'URLonly' => TRUE)) . '""';
+ $message->addHelp(
+ ts('Configuring cron on your server is necessary for running scheduled jobs such as sending mail and scheduled reminders.') . '<br />' .
+ ts("Learn more in the <a %1>online documentation</a>.", array(1 => $docUrl))
+ );
$messages[] = $message;
- ng-click="alert(status.help, status.title, 'info');"
+ ng-click="help(status.title, status.help);"
function($scope, crmApi, crmStatus, statusData) {
$scope.ts = CRM.ts();
- $scope.alert = CRM.alert;
+ $scope.help = CRM.help;
$scope.formatDate = CRM.utils.formatDate;
$scope.statuses = statusData.values;
var helpDisplay, helpPrevious;
+ // Non-ajax example:
+ // CRM.help('Example title', 'Here is some text to describe this example');
+ // Ajax example (will load help id "foo" from templates/CRM/bar.tpl):
+ // CRM.help('Example title', {id: 'foo', file: 'CRM/bar'});
CRM.help = function (title, params, url) {
+ var ajax = typeof params !== 'string';
if (helpDisplay && helpDisplay.close) {
- // If the same link is clicked twice, just close the display - todo use underscore method for this comparison
- if (helpDisplay.isOpen && helpPrevious === JSON.stringify(params)) {
+ // If the same link is clicked twice, just close the display
+ if (helpDisplay.isOpen && _.isEqual(helpPrevious, params)) {
- helpPrevious = JSON.stringify(params);
- params.class_name = 'CRM_Core_Page_Inline_Help';
- params.type = 'page';
- helpDisplay = CRM.alert('...', title, 'crm-help crm-msg-loading', {expires: 0});
- $.ajax(url || CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/inline'),
- {
+ helpPrevious = _.cloneDeep(params);
+ helpDisplay = CRM.alert(ajax ? '...' : params, title, 'crm-help ' + (ajax ? 'crm-msg-loading' : 'info'), {expires: 0});
+ if (ajax) {
+ if (!url) {
+ url = CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/inline');
+ params.class_name = 'CRM_Core_Page_Inline_Help';
+ params.type = 'page';
+ }
+ $.ajax(url, {
data: params,
dataType: 'html',
success: function (data) {
$('#crm-notification-container .crm-help .notify-content:last').html('Unable to load help file.');
$('#crm-notification-container .crm-help').removeClass('crm-msg-loading').addClass('error');
- }
- );
+ });
+ }
* @see https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Notification+Reference