// Resetting and rebuilding cache could be expensive.
- $cid = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($formatted, $contactFields, $contactId, NULL, NULL, $formatted['contact_type']);
+ // If a user has logged in, or accessed via a checksum
+ // Then deliberately 'blanking' a value in the profile should remove it from their record
+ // @todo this should either be TRUE or FALSE in the context of import - once
+ // we figure out which we can remove all the rest.
+ // Also note the meaning of this parameter is less than it used to
+ // be following block cleanup.
+ $formatted['updateBlankLocInfo'] = TRUE;
+ if ((CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->get('authSrc') & (CRM_Core_Permission::AUTH_SRC_CHECKSUM + CRM_Core_Permission::AUTH_SRC_LOGIN)) == 0) {
+ $formatted['updateBlankLocInfo'] = FALSE;
+ }
+ list($data, $contactDetails) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::formatProfileContactParams($formatted, $contactFields, $contactId, NULL, $formatted['contact_type']);
+ // manage is_opt_out
+ if (array_key_exists('is_opt_out', $contactFields) && array_key_exists('is_opt_out', $formatted)) {
+ $wasOptOut = $contactDetails['is_opt_out'] ?? FALSE;
+ $isOptOut = $formatted['is_opt_out'];
+ $data['is_opt_out'] = $isOptOut;
+ // on change, create new civicrm_subscription_history entry
+ if (($wasOptOut != $isOptOut) && !empty($contactDetails['contact_id'])) {
+ $shParams = [
+ 'contact_id' => $contactDetails['contact_id'],
+ 'status' => $isOptOut ? 'Removed' : 'Added',
+ 'method' => 'Web',
+ ];
+ CRM_Contact_BAO_SubscriptionHistory::create($shParams);
+ }
+ }
+ $contact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::create($data);
+ $cid = $contact->id;
+ // Process group and tag
+ if (isset($formatted['group'])) {
+ $method = 'Admin';
+ CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::create($formatted['group'], $cid, FALSE, $method);
+ }
+ if (!empty($fields['tag']) && array_key_exists('tag', $formatted)) {
+ // Convert comma separated form values from select2 v3
+ $tags = is_array($formatted['tag']) ? $formatted['tag'] : array_fill_keys(array_filter(explode(',', $formatted['tag'])), 1);
+ CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::create($tags, 'civicrm_contact', $cid);
+ }
$contact = [