<script type="text/javascript">
-var totalfee = 0;
var thousandMarker = '{/literal}{$config->monetaryThousandSeparator}{literal}';
-var seperator = '{/literal}{$config->monetaryDecimalPoint}{literal}';
+var separator = '{/literal}{$config->monetaryDecimalPoint}{literal}';
var symbol = '{/literal}{$currencySymbol}{literal}';
var optionSep = '|';
-var priceSet = price = Array( );
-cj("input,#priceset select,#priceset").each(function () {
+var priceSet = price = Array();
+cj("#priceset [price]").each(function () {
- if ( cj(this).attr('price') ) {
- var eleType = cj(this).attr('type');
+ var elementType = cj(this).attr('type');
if ( this.tagName == 'SELECT' ) {
- eleType = 'select-one';
+ elementType = 'select-one';
- switch( eleType ) {
+ switch(elementType) {
case 'checkbox':
- //default calcution of element.
- eval( 'var option = ' + cj(this).attr('price') ) ;
- ele = option[0];
- optionPart = option[1].split(optionSep);
- addprice = parseFloat( optionPart[0] );
- if( cj(this).prop('checked') ) {
- totalfee += addprice;
- price[ele] += addprice;
- }
//event driven calculation of element.
- cj(this).click( function(){
- if ( cj(this).prop('checked') ) {
- totalfee += addprice;
- price[ele] += addprice;
- }
- else {
- totalfee -= addprice;
- price[ele] -= addprice;
- }
- display( totalfee );
+ cj(this).click(function(){
+ calculateCheckboxLineItemValue(this);
+ display(calculateTotalFee());
- display( totalfee );
+ calculateCheckboxLineItemValue(this);
case 'radio':
- //default calcution of element.
- eval( 'var option = ' + cj(this).attr('price') );
- ele = option[0];
- optionPart = option[1].split(optionSep);
- addprice = parseFloat( optionPart[0] );
- if ( ! price[ele] ) {
- price[ele] = 0;
- }
- if( cj(this).prop('checked') ) {
- totalfee = parseFloat(totalfee) + addprice - parseFloat(price[ele]);
- price[ele] = addprice;
- }
//event driven calculation of element.
cj(this).click( function(){
- totalfee = parseFloat(totalfee) + addprice - parseFloat(price[ele]);
- price[ele] = addprice;
- display( totalfee );
+ calculateRadioLineItemValue(this);
+ display(calculateTotalFee());
- display( totalfee );
+ calculateRadioLineItemValue(this);
case 'text':
- //default calcution of element.
- calculateText( this );
//event driven calculation of element.
- cj(this).bind( 'keyup', function() { calculateText( this );
- }).bind( 'blur' , function() { calculateText( this );
+ cj(this).bind( 'keyup', function() {
+ calculateText(this);
+ }).bind( 'blur' , function() {
+ calculateText(this);
+ //default calculation of element.
+ calculateText(this);
case 'select-one':
- //default calculation of element.
- var elementID = cj(this).attr('id');
- if ( ! price[elementID] ) {
- price[elementID] = 0;
- }
- var addPrice = calculateSelectLineItemValue(this);
- // In other words we subtract any existing value before adding the new value it seems.
- totalfee = parseFloat(totalfee) + addPrice - parseFloat(price[elementID]);
- price[elementID] = addPrice;
+ calculateSelectLineItemValue(this);
//event driven calculation of element.
cj(this).change( function() {
- var elementID = cj(this).attr('id');
- if ( ! price[elementID] ) {
- price[elementID] = 0;
- }
- var addPrice = calculateSelectLineItemValue(this);
- totalfee = parseFloat(totalfee) + addPrice - parseFloat(price[elementID]);
- price[elementID] = addPrice;
- display( totalfee );
+ calculateSelectLineItemValue(this);
+ display(calculateTotalFee());
- display( totalfee );
- }
+ display(calculateTotalFee());
+ * Calculate the value of the line item for a radio value.
+ */
+function calculateCheckboxLineItemValue(priceElement) {
+ eval( 'var option = ' + cj(priceElement).attr('price') ) ;
+ optionPart = option[1].split(optionSep);
+ price = parseFloat(0);
+ if (cj(priceElement).prop('checked')) {
+ price = parseFloat(optionPart[0]);
+ }
+ cj(priceElement).data('line_raw_total', price);
+ * Calculate the value of the line item for a radio value.
+ */
+function calculateRadioLineItemValue(priceElement) {
+ eval( 'var option = ' + cj(priceElement).attr('price') );
+ optionPart = option[1].split(optionSep);
+ var lineTotal = parseFloat(optionPart[0]);
+ cj(priceElement).data('line_raw_total', lineTotal);
+ var radionGroupName = cj(priceElement).attr("name");
+ // Reset all unchecked options to having a data value of 0.
+ cj('input[name=' + radionGroupName + ']:radio:unchecked').each(
+ function () {
+ cj(this).data('line_raw_total', 0);
+ }
+ );
* Calculate the value of the line item for a select value.
function calculateSelectLineItemValue(priceElement) {
eval( 'var selectedText = ' + cj(priceElement).attr('price') );
- var addprice = parseFloat('0');
- if ( cj(priceElement).val( ) ) {
- optionPart = selectedText[cj(priceElement).val( )].split(optionSep);
- addprice = parseFloat( optionPart[0] );
+ var price = parseFloat('0');
+ var option = cj(priceElement).val();
+ if (option) {
+ optionPart = selectedText[option].split(optionSep);
+ price = parseFloat(optionPart[0]);
- return addprice;
+ cj(priceElement).data('line_raw_total', price);
-//calculation for text box.
-function calculateText( object ) {
+ * Calculate the value of the line item for a text box.
+ */
+function calculateText(priceElement) {
//CRM-16034 - comma acts as decimal in price set text pricing
- var textval = parseFloat( cj(object).val().replace(thousandMarker, '') );
- eval( 'var option = '+ cj(object).attr('price') );
- ele = option[0];
- if ( ! price[ele] ) {
- price[ele] = 0;
- }
- optionPart = option[1].split(optionSep);
- addprice = parseFloat( optionPart[0] );
- var curval = textval * addprice;
- if ( textval >= 0 ) {
- totalfee = parseFloat(totalfee) + curval - parseFloat(price[ele]);
- price[ele] = curval;
- }
- else {
- totalfee = parseFloat(totalfee) - parseFloat(price[ele]);
- price[ele] = parseFloat('0');
- }
- display( totalfee );
+ var textval = parseFloat(cj(priceElement).val().replace(thousandMarker, ''));
+ if (isNaN(textval)) {
+ textval = parseFloat(0);
+ }
+ eval('var option = '+ cj(priceElement).attr('price'));
+ optionPart = option[1].split(optionSep);
+ addprice = parseFloat(optionPart[0]);
+ var curval = textval * addprice;
+ cj(priceElement).data('line_raw_total', curval);
+ display(calculateTotalFee());
-{if $displayOveride neq 'true'}
-//display calculated amount
-function display( totalfee ) {
+ * Calculate the total fee for the visible priceset.
+ */
+function calculateTotalFee() {
+ var totalFee = 0;
+ cj("#priceset [price]").each(function () {
+ totalFee = totalFee + cj(this).data('line_raw_total');
+ });
+ return totalFee;
+ * Display calculated amount.
+ */
+function display(totalfee) {
// totalfee is monetary, round it to 2 decimal points so it can
// go as a float - CRM-13491
totalfee = Math.round(totalfee*100)/100;
- var totalEventFee = formatMoney( totalfee, 2, seperator, thousandMarker);
+ var totalEventFee = formatMoney( totalfee, 2, separator, thousandMarker);
document.getElementById('pricevalue').innerHTML = "<b>"+symbol+"</b> "+totalEventFee;
scriptfee = totalfee;
- scriptarray = price;
cj('#total_amount').val( totalfee );
cj('#pricevalue').data('raw-total', totalfee).trigger('change');
//money formatting/localization
function formatMoney (amount, c, d, t) {
var n = amount,