$this->clickLink("name=find_my_cases", "css=input.crm-form-submit");
$this->assertTrue($this->isChecked("name=case_owner value=2"), 'Find my cases button not properly setting search form value to my cases.');
+ //Add case to get drilldown cell on Case dashboard
+ $this->openCiviPage('case/add', 'reset=1&action=add&atype=13&context=standalone', '_qf_Case_upload-bottom');
+ // Adding contact with randomized first name (so we can then select that contact when creating case)
+ // We're using pop-up New Contact dialog
+ $firstName = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7);
+ $lastName = "Fraser";
+ $contactName = "{$lastName}, {$firstName}";
+ $displayName = "{$firstName} {$lastName}";
+ $email = "{$lastName}.{$firstName}@example.org";
+ $this->webtestNewDialogContact($firstName, $lastName, $email, $type = 4, "s2id_client_id");
+ // Fill in other form values. We'll use a case type which is included in CiviCase sample data / xml files.
+ $caseTypeLabel = "Adult Day Care Referral";
+ // activity types we expect for this case type
+ $activityTypes = array("ADC referral", "Follow up", "Medical evaluation", "Mental health evaluation");
+ $caseRoles = array("Senior Services Coordinator", "Health Services Coordinator", "Benefits Specialist", "Client");
+ $caseStatusLabel = "Ongoing";
+ $subject = "Safe daytime setting - senior female";
+ $this->select("medium_id", "value=1");
+ $location = "Main offices";
+ $this->type("activity_location", $location);
+ $details = "65 year old female needs safe location during the day for herself and her dog. She is in good health but somewhat disoriented.";
+ $this->fireEvent('activity_details', 'focus');
+ $this->fillRichTextField("activity_details", $details, 'CKEditor');
+ $this->type("activity_subject", $subject);
+ $this->select("case_type_id", "label={$caseTypeLabel}");
+ $this->select("status_id", "label={$caseStatusLabel}");
+ // Choose Case Start Date.
+ // Using helper webtestFillDate function.
+ $this->webtestFillDate('start_date', 'now');
+ $today = date('F jS, Y', strtotime('now'));
+ $this->type("duration", "20");
+ $this->clickLink("_qf_Case_upload-bottom", "_qf_CaseView_cancel-bottom");
+ // Is status message correct?
+ $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Case opened successfully.");
// Go back to dashboard
$this->openCivipage('case', 'reset=1', 'css=a.button');
$this->select('payment_processor_id', "label={$processorName}");
- $this->click('financial_type_id');
- $this->select('financial_type_id', 'label=Donation');
+ $this->click('financial_type_id');
+ $this->select('financial_type_id', 'label=Donation');
$this->type('total_amount', '10');
// recurring contribution fields
$this->type('installments', '12');
- $this->waitForElementPresent('credit_card_type');
+ $this->waitForElementPresent('credit_card_type');
// enter credit card info on form
//Edit and add the first payment for 300.00
- sleep(1);
+ $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@class='view-content']//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[10]/span/a[text()='View']");
+ $this->waitForAjaxContent();
$this->click("xpath=//div[@class='view-content']//table[@class='selector row-highlight']//tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/span/a");
$this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@class='view-content']//table//tbody//tr//td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[8]/a[text()='Record Payment']");
- sleep(1);
+ $this->waitForAjaxContent();