<div class="session">
<h4>Free Software Foundation open house</h4>
- <p>Mingle at the FSF office before the conference with speakers and other attendees. Refreshments will be served. FSF campaigns staff will lead an optional International Day Against DRM strategy session for those who'd like to help plan activities for the next IDAD.
+ <p>Mingle at the FSF office before the conference with speakers and other attendees. Refreshments will be served. FSF campaigns staff will lead an optional <a href="http://www.dayagainstdrm.org">International Day Against DRM</a> strategy session at 18:00 for those who'd like to help plan activities for the next IDAD.
<p class="session-details">
<strong>When:</strong> 17:00 - 19:30, Friday 3/20<br>
- <strong>Where:</strong> FSF Office (<a href="../getting_around/index.html#office">transportation tips</a>) at 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110 near Downton Crossing Station on the Red and Orange Lines
+ <strong>Where:</strong> FSF Office (<a href="../getting_around/index.html#office">transportation tips</a>) at 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110 near Downtown Crossing Station on the Red and Orange Lines