.. _streaming_how_to:
.. _Twitter Streaming API Documentation: https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview
+.. _Twitter Response Codes Documentation: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/response-codes
Streaming With Tweepy
+A Few More Pointers
+Async Streaming
+Streams not terminate unless the connection is closed, blocking the thread.
+Tweepy offers a convenient **async** parameter on **filter** so the stream will run on a new
+thread. For example ::
+ myStream.filter(track=['python'], async=True)
+Handling Errors
+When using Twitter's streaming API one must be careful of the dangers of
+rate limiting. If clients exceed a limited number of attempts to connect to the streaming API
+in a window of time, they will receive error 420. The amount of time a client has to wait after receiving error 420
+will increase exponentially each time they make a failed attempt.
+Tweepy's **Stream Listener** usefully passes error messages to an **on_error** stub. We can use **on_error** to
+catch 420 errors and disconnect our stream.::
+ class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
+ def on_error(self, status_code):
+ if status_code == 420:
+ #returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
+ return False
+For more information on error codes from the twitter api see `Twitter Response Codes Documentation`_.