<div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}</div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function verify( ) {
- if (cj('#is_email_receipt').prop('checked')) {
- var ok = confirm( '{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Click OK to save this payment record AND send a receipt to the contributor now{/ts}{literal}.' );
- if (!ok) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- {/literal}
- {literal}
<script type="text/javascript">
+ function verify() {
+ if (cj('#is_email_receipt').prop('checked')) {
+ return confirm( '{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Click OK to save this payment record AND send a receipt to the contributor now{/ts}{literal}.' );
+ }
+ }
CRM.$(function($) {
- checkEmailDependancies( );
- cj('#is_email_receipt').click( function( ) {
- checkEmailDependancies( );
+ var $form = $('form.{/literal}{$form.formClass}{literal}');
+ checkEmailDependancies();
+ $('#is_email_receipt', $form).click(function() {
+ checkEmailDependancies();
- });
- function checkEmailDependancies( ) {
- if (cj('#is_email_receipt').attr( 'checked' )) {
- cj('#fromEmail').show( );
- cj('#receiptDate').hide( );
- cj('#notice').show( );
+ function checkEmailDependancies() {
+ if ($('#is_email_receipt', $form).attr('checked')) {
+ $('#fromEmail, #notice', $form).show();
+ $('#receiptDate', $form).hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#fromEmail, #notice', $form).hide( );
+ $('#receiptDate', $form).show();
+ }
- else {
- cj('#fromEmail').hide( );
- cj('#notice').hide( );
- cj('#receiptDate').show( );
+ // bind first click of accordion header to load crm-accordion-body with snippet
+ $('#adjust-option-type', $form).hide();
+ $('.crm-ajax-accordion .crm-accordion-header', $form).one('click', function() {
+ loadPanes($(this).attr('id'));
+ });
+ $('.crm-ajax-accordion:not(.collapsed) .crm-accordion-header', $form).each(function(index) {
+ loadPanes($(this).attr('id'));
+ });
+ // load panes function call for snippet based on id of crm-accordion-header
+ function loadPanes(id) {
+ var url = "{/literal}{crmURL p='civicrm/payment/add' q='formType=' h=0}{literal}" + id;
+ {/literal}
+ {if $contributionMode}
+ url += "&mode={$contributionMode}";
+ {/if}
+ {if $qfKey}
+ url += "&qfKey={$qfKey}";
+ {/if}
+ {literal}
+ if (!$('div.'+ id, $form).html()) {
+ CRM.loadPage(url, {target: $('div.' + id, $form)});
+ }
- }
- // bind first click of accordion header to load crm-accordion-body with snippet
- // everything else taken care of by cj().crm-accordions()
- CRM.$(function($) {
- cj('#adjust-option-type').hide();
- cj('.crm-ajax-accordion .crm-accordion-header').one('click', function() {
- loadPanes(cj(this).attr('id'));
- });
- cj('.crm-ajax-accordion:not(.collapsed) .crm-accordion-header').each(function(index) {
- loadPanes(cj(this).attr('id'));
- });
- });
- // load panes function call for snippet based on id of crm-accordion-header
- function loadPanes( id ) {
- var url = "{/literal}{crmURL p='civicrm/payment/add' q='snippet=4&formType=' h=0}{literal}" + id;
- {/literal}
- {if $contributionMode}
- url = url + "&mode={$contributionMode}";
- {/if}
- {if $qfKey}
- url = url + "&qfKey={$qfKey}";
- {/if}
- {literal}
- if (! cj('div.'+id).html()) {
- var loading = '<img src="{/literal}{$config->resourceBase}i/loading.gif{literal}" alt="{/literal}{ts escape='js'}loading{/ts}{literal}" /> {/literal}{ts escape='js'}Loading{/ts}{literal}...';
- cj('div.'+id).html(loading);
- cj.ajax({
- url : url,
- success: function(data) { cj('div.'+id).html(data).trigger('crmLoad'); }
+ $('#fee_amount', $form).change( function() {
+ var totalAmount = $('#total_amount', $form).val();
+ var feeAmount = $('#fee_amount', $form).val();
+ var netAmount = totalAmount.replace(/,/g, '') - feeAmount.replace(/,/g, '');
+ if (!$('#net_amount', $form).val() && totalAmount) {
+ $('#net_amount', $form).val(CRM.formatMoney(netAmount, true));
+ }
- }
- }
+ });
-cj('#fee_amount').change( function() {
- var totalAmount = cj('#total_amount').val();
- var feeAmount = cj('#fee_amount').val();
- var netAmount = totalAmount.replace(/,/g, '') - feeAmount.replace(/,/g, '');
- if (!cj('#net_amount').val() && totalAmount) {
- cj('#net_amount').val(CRM.formatMoney(netAmount, true));
- }
{if !$contributionMode}
<script type="text/javascript">
CRM.$(function($) {
- checkEmailDependancies( );
- cj('#is_email_receipt').click( function( ) {
- checkEmailDependancies( );
+ var $form = $('form.{/literal}{$form.formClass}{literal}');
+ checkEmailDependancies();
+ $('#is_email_receipt', $form).click(function() {
+ checkEmailDependancies();
- });
- function checkEmailDependancies( ) {
- if (cj('#is_email_receipt').prop('checked' )) {
- cj('#fromEmail').show( );
- cj('#receiptDate').hide( );
+ function checkEmailDependancies( ) {
+ if ($('#is_email_receipt', $form).prop('checked')) {
+ $('#fromEmail', $form).show();
+ $('#receiptDate', $form).hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#fromEmail', $form).hide();
+ $('#receiptDate', $form).show();
+ }
- else {
- cj('#fromEmail').hide( );
- cj('#receiptDate').show( );
+ {/literal}{if !$contributionMode}{literal}
+ showHideCancelInfo($('#contribution_status_id', $form));
+ $('#contribution_status_id', $form).change(function() {
+ showHideCancelInfo($('#contribution_status_id', $form));
+ });
+ function showHideCancelInfo(obj) {
+ var cancelInfo_show_ids = [{/literal}{$cancelInfo_show_ids}{literal}];
+ if (cancelInfo_show_ids.indexOf(obj.val()) > -1) {
+ $('#cancelInfo', $form).show();
+ $('#total_amount', $form).attr('readonly', true);
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#cancel_date", $form).val('');
+ $("#cancel_reason", $form).val('');
+ $('#cancelInfo', $form).hide();
+ $("#total_amount", $form).removeAttr('readonly');
+ }
- }
- {/literal}{if !$contributionMode}{literal}
- CRM.$(function($) {
- showHideCancelInfo($('#contribution_status_id'));
- $('#contribution_status_id').change(function() {
- showHideCancelInfo($('#contribution_status_id'));
- function showHideCancelInfo(obj) {
- var cancelInfo_show_ids = [{/literal}{$cancelInfo_show_ids}{literal}];
- if (cancelInfo_show_ids.indexOf(obj.val()) > -1) {
- $('#cancelInfo').show( );
- $('#total_amount').attr('readonly', true);
- }
- else {
- $("#cancel_date").val('');
- $("#cancel_reason").val('');
- $('#cancelInfo').hide( );
- $("#total_amount").removeAttr('readonly');
- }
- }
- });
- {/literal}{/if}{literal}
+ {/literal}{/if}
- {/literal}
{if !$contributionMode}
{include file="CRM/common/showHideByFieldValue.tpl"
trigger_field_id ="payment_instrument_id"