* - function: callback (mixed)
* - params: array, varies
+ * @param bool $unique
+ * Determines whether to key by unique field names (only affects get-type) actions
+ *
* @return array
* API success object
-function civicrm_api3_generic_getfields($apiRequest) {
+function civicrm_api3_generic_getfields($apiRequest, $unique = TRUE) {
static $results = array();
if ((CRM_Utils_Array::value('cache_clear', $apiRequest['params']))) {
$results = array();
if (!$action || $action == 'getvalue' || $action == 'getcount') {
$action = 'get';
- // determines whether to use unique field names - see comment block above
- $unique = TRUE;
// If no options, return results from cache
if (!$apiRequest['params']['options'] && isset($results[$entity . $subentity]) && isset($action, $results[$entity . $subentity])
&& isset($action, $results[$entity . $subentity][$sequential])) {
return $results[$entity][$action][$sequential];
+ * Get metadata for a field
+ *
+ * @param array $apiRequest
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * API success object
+ */
+function civicrm_api3_generic_getfield($apiRequest) {
+ $params = $apiRequest['params'];
+ $sequential = !empty($params['sequential']);
+ $fieldName = _civicrm_api3_api_resolve_alias($apiRequest['entity'], $params['name'], $params['action']);
+ if (!$fieldName) {
+ return civicrm_api3_create_error("The field '{$params['name']}' doesn't exist.");
+ }
+ // Turn off sequential to make the field easier to find
+ $apiRequest['params']['sequential'] = 0;
+ if (!empty($params['options']['get_options'])) {
+ $apiRequest['params']['options']['get_options'] = $fieldName;
+ }
+ if (isset($params['context'])) {
+ $apiRequest['params']['options']['get_options_context'] = $params['context'];
+ }
+ $result = civicrm_api3_generic_getfields($apiRequest, FALSE);
+ $result = $result['values'][$fieldName];
+ // Fix sequential options since we forced it off
+ if ($sequential && !empty($result['options'])) {
+ $result['options'] = CRM_Utils_Array::makeNonAssociative($result['options']);
+ }
+ return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $apiRequest['params'], $apiRequest['entity'], 'getfield');
+function _civicrm_api3_generic_getfield_spec(&$params, $apiRequest) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'name' => array(
+ 'title' => 'Field name',
+ 'description' => 'Name or alias of field to lookup',
+ 'api.required' => 1,
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING,
+ ),
+ 'action' => array(
+ 'title' => 'API Action',
+ 'api.required' => 1,
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING,
+ 'api.aliases' => array('api_action'),
+ ),
+ 'context' => array(
+ 'title' => 'Context',
+ 'description' => 'Context passed to getoptions. Only relevant if options.get_options is set.',
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING,
+ 'options' => CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext(),
+ ),
+ );
+ // Add available options to these params if requested
+ if (array_intersect(array('all', 'action'), $apiRequest['params']['options']['get_options'])) {
+ $actions = civicrm_api3($apiRequest['entity'], 'getactions');
+ $actions = array_combine($actions['values'], $actions['values']);
+ // Let's not go meta-crazy
+ CRM_Utils_Array::remove($actions, 'getactions', 'getoptions', 'getfields', 'getfield', 'getcount', 'getrefcount', 'getsingle', 'getlist', 'getvalue', 'setvalue', 'update');
+ $params['action']['options'] = $actions;
+ }
* API return function to reformat results as count.
NO_OPERATORS = ['create', 'update', 'delete', 'setvalue', 'getoptions', 'getactions', 'getfields'],
// Actions that don't support multiple values
- NO_MULTI = ['delete', 'getoptions', 'getactions', 'getfields', 'setvalue'],
+ NO_MULTI = ['delete', 'getoptions', 'getactions', 'getfields', 'getfield', 'setvalue'],
// Operators with special properties