$this->assertEquals('testGetByUsername', $result['values'][$cid]['first_name']);
+ /**
+ * Test to check return works OK
+ */
+ function testContactGetReturnValues() {
+ $extraParams = array('nick_name' => 'Bob', 'phone' => '456', 'email' => 'e@mail.com');
+ $contactID = $this->individualCreate($extraParams);
+ //actually it turns out the above doesn't create a phone
+ $phones = $this->callAPISuccess('phone', 'create', array('contact_id' => $contactID, 'phone' => '456',));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $contactID));
+ foreach ($extraParams as $key => $value) {
+ $this->assertEquals($result[$key], $value);
+ }
+ //now we check they are still returned with 'return' key
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $contactID, 'return' => array_keys($extraParams)));
+ foreach ($extraParams as $key => $value) {
+ $this->assertEquals($result[$key], $value);
+ }
+ }
+ function testCRM13252MultipleChainedPhones() {
+ $contactID = $this->householdCreate();
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('phone', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 0);
+ $params = array(
+ 'contact_id' => $contactID,
+ 'household_name' => 'Household 1',
+ 'contact_type' => 'Household',
+ 'api.phone.create' => array(
+ 0 => array(
+ 'phone' => '111-111-1111',
+ 'location_type_id' => 1,
+ 'phone_type_id' => 1,
+ ),
+ 1 => array(
+ 'phone' => '222-222-2222',
+ 'location_type_id' => 1,
+ 'phone_type_id' => 2,
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('phone', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 2);
+ }
* Test for Contact.get id=@user:username (with an invalid username)