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+## Benchmarks
+(use 'criterium.core)
+(def words
+ (-> (io/file "/usr/share/dict/words")
+ io/reader
+ line-seq))
+(defn naive-pattern
+ "Create a naive regular expression pattern for matching every string
+ in strs."
+ [strs]
+ (->> strs
+ (clojure.string/join "|")
+ (format "(?:%s)")))
+;; Shuffle 10000 words and build a naive and frak pattern from them.
+(def ws (shuffle (take 10000 words)))
+(def n-pat (naive-pattern ws))
+(def f-pat (frak/pattern ws))
+;; Verify the naive pattern matches everything it was constructed from.
+(every? #(re-matches n-pat %) ws)
+;; => true
+;; Shuffle the words again since the naive pattern is built in the
+;; same order as it's inputs.
+(def ws' (shuffle ws))
+;;;; Benchmarks
+;; Naive pattern
+(bench (doseq [w ws'] (re-matches n-pat w)))
+;; Execution time mean : 1.499489 sec
+;; Execution time std-deviation : 181.365166 ms
+;; Execution time lower quantile : 1.337817 sec ( 2.5%)
+;; Execution time upper quantile : 1.828733 sec (97.5%)
+;; frak pattern
+(bench (doseq [w ws'] (re-matches f-pat w)))
+;; Execution time mean : 155.515855 ms
+;; Execution time std-deviation : 5.663346 ms
+;; Execution time lower quantile : 148.168855 ms ( 2.5%)
+;; Execution time upper quantile : 164.164294 ms (97.5%)