use Cwd;
$dir = cwd();
+if ( $dir =~ /:/ ) {
+ $dir = substr($dir, index($dir, ':') + 1);
# First, lets read in the data already in there...
# org_logo
sub command2 {
print "Your organization's logo is an image that will be displayed at\n";
- print "different times throughout SquirrelMail. This is asking for the\n";
- print "literal (/usr/local/squirrelmail/images/logo.png) or relative\n";
- print "(../images/logo.png) path from the config directory to your logo.\n";
- print "Relative paths to files outside the SquirrelMail distribution\n";
- print "will be converted to their absolute path equivalents in config.php.\n";
+ print "different times throughout SquirrelMail. ";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Please be aware of the following: \n";
+ print " - Relative URLs are relative to the config dir\n";
+ print " to use the default logo, use ../images/sm_logo.png\n";
+ print " - To specify a logo defined outside the SquirrelMail source tree\n";
+ print " use the absolute URL the webserver would use to include the file\n";
+ print " e.g. http://some.host.com/images/mylogo.gif or /images/mylogo.jpg\n";
print "\n";
print "[$WHT$org_logo$NRM]: $WHT";
$new_org_logo = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
print "To clear out an existing value, just type a space for the input.\n";
print "\n";
- print "Relative links to files outside the SquirrelMail distribution\n";
- print "will be converted to their absolute path equivalents in config.php.\n";
+ print "Please be aware of the following: \n";
+ print " - Relative URLs are relative to the config dir\n";
+ print " to use the themes directory, use ../themes/css/newdefault.css\n";
+ print " - To specify a css file defined outside the SquirrelMail source tree\n";
+ print " use the absolute URL the webserver would use to include the file\n";
+ print " e.g. http://some.host.com/css/mystyle.css or /css/mystyle.css\n";
print "\n";
print "[$WHT$theme_css$NRM]: $WHT";
$new_theme_css = <STDIN>;
# If the path is absolute, don't bother.
return "\'" . $old_path . "\'" if ( $old_path eq '');
return "\'" . $old_path . "\'" if ( $old_path =~ /^(\/|http)/ );
+ return $old_path if ( $old_path =~ /^\'(\/|http)/ );
return $old_path if ( $old_path =~ /^(\$|SM_PATH)/);
+ # Remove remaining '
+ $old_path =~ s/\'//g;
# For relative paths, split on '../'
@rel_path = split(/\.\.\//, $old_path);
if ( $#rel_path > 1 ) {
# more than two levels away. Make it absolute.
@abs_path = split(/\//, $dir);
+ # account for leading slash
+ shift @abs_path;
foreach $subdir (@rel_path) {
if ($subdir eq '') {
pop @abs_path;
push @abs_path, $subdir;
- foreach $subdir (@abs_path) {
- $new_path .= $subdir . '/';
+ $new_path = "\'";
+ foreach $subdir (@abs_path) {
+ $new_path .= '/' . $subdir;
+ $new_path .= "\'";
} elsif ( $#rel_path > 0 ) {
# it's within the SM tree, prepend SM_PATH
$new_path = $old_path;
$new_path =~ s/^\.\.\//SM_PATH . \'/;
- $new_path .= '\'';
+ $new_path .= "\'";
} else {
# Last, it's a relative path without any leading '.'
# Prepend SM_PATH and config, since the paths are
# relative to the config directory
$new_path = "SM_PATH . \'config/" . $old_path . "\'";
return $new_path;