$greeting = $params['gt'];
$valueID = $id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params);
$force = CRM_Utils_Array::value('force', $params);
+ $limit = CRM_Utils_Array::value('limit', $params);
// if valueID is not passed use default value
if (!$valueID) {
OR ( {$idFldName} IS NOT NULL AND ({$displayFldName} IS NULL OR {$displayFldName} = '')) )";
+ if ($limit) {
+ $sql .= " LIMIT $limit";
+ }
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, array(1 => array($contactType, 'String')));
while ($dao->fetch()) {
$filterContactFldIds[$dao->id] = $dao->$idFldName;
$templateString = $smarty->fetch("string:$templateString");
throttle=[1 or 0] optional-1 adds five second sleep{/ts}', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Update Greetings and Addressees{/ts}','{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Goes through contact records and updates email and postal greetings, or addressee value{/ts}', 'job', 'update_greeting','{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}ct=[Individual or Household or Organization] required
gt=[email_greeting or postal_greeting or addressee] required
-force=[0 or 1] optional-0 update contacts with null value, 1 update all{/ts}', 0),
+force=[0 or 1] optional-0 update contacts with null value, 1 update all
+limit=Number optional-Limit the number of contacts to update{/ts}', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Mail Reports{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Generates and sends out reports via email{/ts}', 'job', 'mail_report','{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}instanceId=[ID of report instance] required
format=[csv or print] optional-output CSV or print-friendly HTML, else PDF{/ts}', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Send Scheduled Reminders{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Sends out scheduled reminders via email{/ts}', 'job', 'send_reminder', NULL, 0),