For information on how to make SquirrelMail work with Russian
Apache, see the README.russian_apache in the doc/ subdirectory.
+ In order to use translated versions of SquirrelMail, you need
+ to download and install locale packages that contain translations
+ that you want to use with squirrelmail.
+ Locale packages can be downloaded from SquirrelMail SourceForge
+ project page.
+ Each translation contains install script that copies required files
+ into appropriate locations. If you can't run that script, you can extract
+ contents of translation packages into your squirrelmail directory.
+ NOTE No.1: *-src.tar.gz, *-src.tar.bz2 and * archives does not contain
+ compiled translation files. You will need to run compilelocales script
+ in order to get all gettext binary translations.
+ NOTE No.2: You might need to restart your webserver before using translations.
+ If you can't do that, install your translations _before_ you use SquirrelMail.