<div class="description">{ts}Is this the default petition?{/ts}</div>
+ <tr class="crm-campaign-survey-form-block-links">
+ <td class="label"><label>{ts}Links to sign this petition{/ts}</label></td>
+ <td>
+ {if $surveyId}
+ {ts}Public{/ts}: <pre>{$config->userFrameworkBaseURL}civicrm/petition/sign?sid={$surveyId}&reset=1</pre><br/>
+ {ts}CiviMail{/ts}: <pre>{$config->userFrameworkBaseURL}civicrm/petition/sign?sid={$surveyId}&reset=1&{contact.checksum}&cid={contact.contact_id}</pre></br/>
+ <div class="description">{ts}Copy and paste the public link anywhere on the Internet, including social media. The CiviMail link should only be copied into a CiviMail message. It will pre-populate the profile with existing information for the person who receives the email.{/ts}</div>
+ {else}
+ <div class="description">{ts}The links will be visible after you save the petition.{/ts}</div>
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
{include file="CRM/common/customDataBlock.tpl"}