$componentModes = CRM_Contact_Form_Search::getModeSelect();
+ $enabledComponents = CRM_Core_Component::getEnabledComponents();
- self::validatePossibleComponents($componentModes);
+ // unset disabled components that must should have been enabled
+ // to the option be viable
+ if (!array_key_exists('CiviMail', $enabledComponents)) {
+ unset($componentModes['8']);
+ }
// unset contributions or participants if user does not have
// permission on them
- public static function getEnabledComponents() {
- $apiResult = civicrm_api3('Setting', 'Get', array());
- return $apiResult['values'][1]['enable_components'];
- }
- //the idea is to validate everything in here and remove based on possible situations
- public static function validatePossibleComponents(&$componentModes) {
- $enabledComponents = self::getEnabledComponents();
- //e.g. this validation that removes the 'Mailing' option if CiviMail is not enabled
- if (!in_array('CiviMail', $enabledComponents)) {
- unset($componentModes['8']);
- }
- }