+ if ($table === 'civicrm_setting') {
+ // Per
+ // Note this line is not unit tested as yet as a quick-fix for a regression
+ // but it would be better to do a SELECT request & only update if needed (as a general rule
+ // more selects & less UPDATES will result in less deadlocks while de-duping.
+ // Note the delete is not important here - it can stay with the deleted contact on the
+ // off chance they get restored.
+ $sqls[] = "UPDATE IGNORE civicrm_setting SET contact_id = $mainId WHERE contact_id = $otherId";
+ continue;
+ }
// use UPDATE IGNORE + DELETE query pair to skip on situations when
// there's a UNIQUE restriction on ($field, some_other_field) pair
if (isset($cidRefs[$table])) {