--- /dev/null
+<div class="btn-group">
+ <button type="button" ng-click="row.openScheduleMenu = true" class="btn btn-xs dropdown-toggle btn-primary-outline" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
+ {{:: row.data.schedule_id.length === 1 ? ts('1 Communication') : ts('%1 Communications', {1: row.data.schedule_id ? row.data.schedule_id.length : 0}) }} <span class="caret"></span>
+ </button>
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu" ng-if=":: row.openScheduleMenu">
+ <li ng-repeat="schedule_id in row.data.schedule_id" title="{{:: ts('Edit Scheduled Communication') }}">
+ <a ng-href="{{ crmUrl('civicrm/admin/scheduleReminders/edit?reset=1&action=update&mapping_id=saved_search&id=' + schedule_id + '&entity_value=' + row.data.id) }}" target="crm-popup">
+ <i class="crm-i fa-pencil"></i>
+ {{ row.data.schedule_title[$index] }}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="divider" role="separator"></li>
+ <li title="{{:: ts('Add Scheduled Communication') }}">
+ <a ng-href="{{ crmUrl('civicrm/admin/scheduleReminders/edit?reset=1&action=add&mapping_id=saved_search&entity_value=' + row.data.id) }}" target="crm-popup">
+ <i class="crm-i fa-plus"></i>
+ {{:: ts('New Communication') }}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
ctrl = angular.extend(this, _.cloneDeep(searchDisplayBaseTrait), _.cloneDeep(searchDisplaySortableTrait)),
+ $scope.crmUrl = CRM.url;
this.searchDisplayPath = CRM.url('civicrm/search');
this.afformPath = CRM.url('civicrm/admin/afform');
this.afformEnabled = 'org.civicrm.afform' in CRM.crmSearchAdmin.modules;
this.afformAdminEnabled = (CRM.checkPerm('administer CiviCRM') || CRM.checkPerm('administer afform')) &&
'org.civicrm.afform_admin' in CRM.crmSearchAdmin.modules;
+ const scheduledCommunicationsEnabled = 'scheduled_communications' in CRM.crmSearchAdmin.modules;
this.apiEntity = 'SavedSearch';
this.search = {
'DATE(created_date) AS date_created',
'DATE(modified_date) AS date_modified',
'DATE(expires_date) AS expires',
- 'GROUP_CONCAT(display.name ORDER BY display.id) AS display_name',
- 'GROUP_CONCAT(display.label ORDER BY display.id) AS display_label',
- 'GROUP_CONCAT(display.type:icon ORDER BY display.id) AS display_icon',
- 'GROUP_CONCAT(display.acl_bypass ORDER BY display.id) AS display_acl_bypass',
+ // Get all search displays
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE display.name ORDER BY display.label) AS display_name',
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE display.label ORDER BY display.label) AS display_label',
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE display.type:icon ORDER BY display.label) AS display_icon',
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE display.acl_bypass ORDER BY display.label) AS display_acl_bypass',
'tags', // Not a selectable field but this hacks around the requirement that filters be in the select clause
- 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT entity_tag.tag_id) AS tag_id',
- 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT group.title) AS groups'
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE entity_tag.tag_id) AS tag_id',
+ // Really there can only be 1 smart group per saved-search; aggregation is just for the sake of the query
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE group.id) AS group_id',
+ 'GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE group.title) AS groups'
join: [
['SearchDisplay AS display', 'LEFT', ['id', '=', 'display.saved_search_id']],
+ // Add scheduled communication to query if extension is enabled
+ if (scheduledCommunicationsEnabled) {
+ this.search.api_params.select.push('GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE schedule.id ORDER BY schedule.title) AS schedule_id');
+ this.search.api_params.select.push('GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE schedule.title ORDER BY schedule.title) AS schedule_title');
+ this.search.api_params.join.push(['ActionSchedule AS schedule', 'LEFT', ['schedule.mapping_id', '=', '"saved_search"'], ['id', '=', 'schedule.entity_value']]);
+ }
this.$onInit = function() {
this.initializeDisplay($scope, $element);
path: '~/crmSearchAdmin/searchListing/afforms.html'
+ // Add scheduled communication column if extension is enabled
+ if (scheduledCommunicationsEnabled) {
+ ctrl.display.settings.columns.push({
+ type: 'include',
+ label: ts('Communications'),
+ path: '~/crmSearchAdmin/searchListing/communications.html'
+ });
+ }
- searchMeta.fieldToColumn('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT group.title) AS groups', {
+ searchMeta.fieldToColumn('GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE group.title) AS groups', {
label: ts('Smart Group')