--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+class DiaspyError(Exception):
+ """Base exception for all errors
+ raised by diaspy.
+ """
+ pass
+class LoginError(DiaspyError):
+ """Exception raised when something
+ bad happens while performing actions
+ related to logging in.
+ """
+ pass
+def react(r, message='', accepted=[200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206], exception=DiaspyError):
+ """This method tries to decides how to react
+ to a response code passed to it. If it's an
+ error code it will raise an exception (it will
+ call `throw()` method.
+ If response code is not accepted AND cannot
+ be matched to any exception, generic exception
+ (DiaspyError) is raised (provided that `exception`
+ param was left untouched).
+ By default `accepted` param contains all HTTP
+ success codes.
+ User can force type of exception to raise by passing
+ `exception` param.
+ :param r: response code
+ :type r: int
+ :param message: message for the exception
+ :type message: str
+ :param accepted: list of accepted error codes
+ :type accepted: list
+ :param exception: preferred exception to raise
+ :type exception: valid exception type (default: DiaspyError)
+ """
+ if r in accepted: e = None
+ else: e = DiaspyError
+ if e is not None: e = exception
+ throw(e, message=message)
+def throw(e, message=''):
+ """This function throws an error with given message.
+ If None is passed as `e` throw() will not raise
+ anything.
+ :param e: exception to throw
+ :type e: any valid exception type or None
+ :param message: message for exception
+ :type message: str
+ """
+ if e is None: pass
+ else: raise e(message)