$row['log_civicrm_entity_altered_contact'] = $row['log_civicrm_entity_altered_contact'] . " [{$entity}]";
if ($entity == 'Contact Merged') {
+ // We're looking at a merge activity created against the surviving
+ // contact record. There should be a single activity created against
+ // the deleted contact record, with this activity as parent.
$deletedID = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(contact_id) FROM civicrm_activity_contact ac
INNER JOIN civicrm_activity a
$row['log_civicrm_entity_log_action'] = ts('Update');
+ // For certain tables, we may want to look at an alternate column to
+ // determine which action to display, determined by the 'action_column'
+ // key of the entry in $this->_logTables.
if ($newAction = $this->getEntityAction($row['log_civicrm_entity_id'],
$row = $this->addDetailReportLinksToRow($baseQueryCriteria, $row);
+ // In the summary, we only want to show one row per entity type,
+ // connection ID, contact ID, and user ID, rolling up multiple
+ // related actions against the same entity.
$key = $date . '_' .
$row['log_civicrm_entity_log_type'] . '_' .
// This ensures merge activities are not 'lost' by aggregation.
// I would prefer not to lose other entities either but it's a balancing act as
// described in https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-12867 so adding this criteria
// while hackish saves us from figuring out if the original decision is still good.
- $isMerge .
+ $isMerge . '_' .
$row['log_civicrm_entity_log_conn_id'] . '_' .
$row['log_civicrm_entity_log_user_id'] . '_' .