return self::getByProcessor($processor);
+ /**
+ * Flush processors from static cache.
+ *
+ * This is particularly used for tests.
+ *
+ */
+ public function flushProcessors() {
+ $this->cache = array();
+ }
* <>.
+use Civi\Payment\System;
* Include configuration
$var = TRUE;
CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::createRelatedMemberships($var, $var, TRUE);
+ Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->flushProcessors();
public function restoreDefaultPriceSetConfig() {
* Test submit recurring membership with immediate confirmation (IATS style)
* - we process 2 membership transactions against with a recurring contribution against a contribution page with an immediate
- * processor (IASTS style - denoted by returning trxn_id)
+ * processor (IATS style - denoted by returning trxn_id)
* - the first creates a new membership, completed contribution, in progress recurring. Check these
* - create another - end date should be extended