7.3.2. functions/prefs.php (from 1.5.1)
7.4. functions/constants.php
7.5. do_hook('loading_prefs')
+ 7.5.1. files loaded by plugins that use 'loading_prefs'
8. functions/page_header.php
8.1. functions/strings.php
8.2. functions/html.php
8.4. functions/global.php
9. functions/prefs.php
9.1. functions/global.php
- 9.2. $prefs_backend (from 1.4.3rc1 and 1.5.0)
+ 9.2. $prefs_backend (only in 1.4.3 and 1.5.0)
+ do_hook_function('prefs_backend') (since 1.4.4 and 1.5.1)
9.2.1. functions/display_messages.php
(loaded only by file_prefs.php)
+ 9.2.2. files loaded by plugin that uses 'prefs_backend'
Hook Types: Parameters and Return Values