else {
- var relTypeAdminLink = {/literal}"{crmURL p='civicrm/admin/reltype' q='reset=1' h=0 }"{literal};
- var errorMsg = '{/literal}{ts escape="js" 1="' + relTypeName + '" 2="' + relTypeAdminLink + '"}The relationship type definition for the %1 case role is not valid for the client and / or staff contact types. You can review and edit relationship types at <a href="%2">Administer >> Option Lists >> Relationship Types</a>{/ts}{literal}.';
+ // This is an awkward mix of smarty and javascript: the relTypeName variable is
+ // not available in smarty, could not find an i18n-correct way of doing this.
+ {/literal}
+ {capture assign=relTypeAdminLink}{crmURL p='civicrm/admin/reltype' q='reset=1' h=0 }{/capture}
+ {literal}
+ var errorMsg = relTypeName + ': ' + '{/literal}{ts escape="js" 1="$relTypeAdminLink"}The relationship type definition for the case role is not valid for the client and / or staff contact types. You can review and edit relationship types at <a href="%1">Administer >> Option Lists >> Relationship Types</a>.{/ts}{literal}';
//display error message.