<div class="troubleshooting">
<dt>I can't find the menu.</dt>
++<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <dd>In many new email programs, the main menu is represented by an image of three stacked horizontal bars.</dd>
+ <dt>My email looks weird</dt>
+ <dd>Enigmail doesn't tend to play nice with HTML, which is used to format emails. To send an HTML-formatted email without encryption and or a signature, hold down the Shift key when you select compose. You can then write an email as if Enigmail wasn't there.</dd>
+ <dd>In many new email programs, the main menu is represented by an image of three stacked horizontal bars.</dd>
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<dt class="feedback">Don't see a solution to your problem?</dt>
<dd class="feedback">Please let us know on the <a href="https://libreplanet.org/wiki/GPG_guide/Public_Review">feedback page</a>.</dd>
</div><!-- End .main -->
</div><!-- End #step-lost_key .step-->
++<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~ -->
+ <!---<div id="transfer-key" class="step">
+ <div class="main">
+ <h3>Transferring you key</h3>
+ <p>You can use Enigmail's <a href="https://www.enigmail.net/documentation/keyman.php">key management window</a> to import and export keys. If you want to be able to read your encrypted email on a different computer, you will need to export your secret key from here. Be warned, if you transfer the key without <a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage">encrypting</a> the drive it's on the transfer will be dramatically less secure.</p>
+ </div><!-- End .main -->
+ </div><!-- End #step-lost_key .step-->-->
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<!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~ -->
<div id="webmail-and-GnuPG" class="step">