// ******** Hook delegates ********
+ * Run early installation steps. Ex: Create new MySQL table.
+ *
+ * This dispatches directly to each new extension. You will only receive notices for your own installation.
+ *
+ * If multiple extensions are installed simultaneously, they will all run
+ * `hook_install`/`hook_enable` back-to-back (in order of dependency).
+ *
+ * This runs BEFORE refreshing major caches and services (such as
+ * `ManagedEntities` and `CRM_Logging_Schema`).
+ *
* @see https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_install
public function onInstall() {
+ * Run later installation steps. Ex: Call a bespoke API-job for the first time.
+ *
+ * This dispatches directly to each new extension. You will only receive notices for your own installation.
+ *
+ * If multiple extensions are installed simultaneously, they will all run
+ * `hook_postInstall` back-to-back (in order of dependency).
+ *
+ * This runs AFTER refreshing major caches and services (such as
+ * `ManagedEntities` and `CRM_Logging_Schema`).
+ *
* @see https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_postInstall
public function onPostInstall() {
- * This hook is called when a module-extension is installed.
- * Each module will receive hook_civicrm_install during its own installation (but not during the
- * installation of unrelated modules).
+ * Run early installation steps for an extension. Ex: Create new MySQL table.
+ *
+ * This dispatches directly to each new extension. You will only receive notices for your own installation.
+ *
+ * If multiple extensions are installed simultaneously, they will all run
+ * `hook_install`/`hook_enable` back-to-back (in order of dependency).
+ *
+ * This runs BEFORE refreshing major caches and services (such as
+ * `ManagedEntities` and `CRM_Logging_Schema`).
+ *
+ * @see https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_install
public static function install() {
// Actually invoke via CRM_Extension_Manager_Module::callHook
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("The method %s::%s is just a documentation stub and should not be invoked directly.", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ /**
+ * Run later installation steps. Ex: Call a bespoke API-job for the first time.
+ *
+ * This dispatches directly to each new extension. You will only receive notices for your own installation.
+ *
+ * If multiple extensions are installed simultaneously, they will all run
+ * `hook_postInstall` back-to-back (in order of dependency).
+ *
+ * This runs AFTER refreshing major caches and services (such as
+ * `ManagedEntities` and `CRM_Logging_Schema`).
+ *
+ * @see https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_postInstall
+ */
+ public static function postInstall() {
+ // Actually invoke via CRM_Extension_Manager_Module::callHook
+ throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("The method %s::%s is just a documentation stub and should not be invoked directly.", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ }
* This hook is called when a module-extension is uninstalled.
* Each module will receive hook_civicrm_uninstall during its own uninstallation (but not during the