- switch ($field) {
- case 'placeholder-will-remove-next-pr-but-jenkins-will-not-accept-without-and-removing-switch-will-make-hard-to-read':
- break;
- default:
- $cfID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($field);
- // add to cfIDs array if not present
- if (!empty($cfID) && !array_key_exists($cfID, $this->_cfIDs)) {
- $this->_cfIDs[$cfID] = array();
- $this->_customQuery = new CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery($this->_cfIDs, TRUE, $this->_locationSpecificCustomFields);
- $this->_customQuery->query();
- $this->_select = array_merge($this->_select, $this->_customQuery->_select);
- $this->_tables = array_merge($this->_tables, $this->_customQuery->_tables);
- }
- // By replacing the join to the option value table with the mysql construct
- // ORDER BY field('contribution_status_id', 2,1,4)
- // we can remove a join. In the case of the option value join it is
- /// a join known to cause slow queries.
- // @todo cover other pseudoconstant types. Limited to option group ones & Foreign keys
- // matching an id+name parrern in the
- // first instance for scope reasons. They require slightly different handling as the column (label)
- // is not declared for them.
- // @todo so far only integer fields are being handled. If we add string fields we need to look at
- // escaping.
- $pseudoConstantMetadata = CRM_Utils_Array::value('pseudoconstant', $fieldSpec, FALSE);
- if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata)
- ) {
- if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata['optionGroupName'])
- || $this->isPseudoFieldAnFK($fieldSpec)
- ) {
- $sortedOptions = $fieldSpec['bao']::buildOptions($fieldSpec['name'], NULL, [
- 'orderColumn' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('labelColumn', $pseudoConstantMetadata, 'label'),
- ]);
- $fieldIDsInOrder = implode(',', array_keys($sortedOptions));
- // Pretty sure this validation ALSO happens in the order clause & this can't be reached but...
- // this might give some early warning.
- CRM_Utils_Type::validate($fieldIDsInOrder, 'CommaSeparatedIntegers');
- $order = str_replace("$field", "field({$fieldSpec['name']},$fieldIDsInOrder)", $order);
- }
- //CRM-12565 add "`" around $field if it is a pseudo constant
- // This appears to be for 'special' fields like locations with appended numbers or hyphens .. maybe.
- if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata['element']) && $pseudoConstantMetadata['element'] == $field) {
- $order = str_replace($field, "`{$field}`", $order);
- }
- }
+ $cfID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($field);
+ // add to cfIDs array if not present
+ if (!empty($cfID) && !array_key_exists($cfID, $this->_cfIDs)) {
+ $this->_cfIDs[$cfID] = array();
+ $this->_customQuery = new CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery($this->_cfIDs, TRUE, $this->_locationSpecificCustomFields);
+ $this->_customQuery->query();
+ $this->_select = array_merge($this->_select, $this->_customQuery->_select);
+ $this->_tables = array_merge($this->_tables, $this->_customQuery->_tables);
+ }
+ // By replacing the join to the option value table with the mysql construct
+ // ORDER BY field('contribution_status_id', 2,1,4)
+ // we can remove a join. In the case of the option value join it is
+ /// a join known to cause slow queries.
+ // @todo cover other pseudoconstant types. Limited to option group ones & Foreign keys
+ // matching an id+name parrern in the
+ // first instance for scope reasons. They require slightly different handling as the column (label)
+ // is not declared for them.
+ // @todo so far only integer fields are being handled. If we add string fields we need to look at
+ // escaping.
+ $pseudoConstantMetadata = CRM_Utils_Array::value('pseudoconstant', $fieldSpec, FALSE);
+ if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata)
+ ) {
+ if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata['optionGroupName'])
+ || $this->isPseudoFieldAnFK($fieldSpec)
+ ) {
+ $sortedOptions = $fieldSpec['bao']::buildOptions($fieldSpec['name'], NULL, [
+ 'orderColumn' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('labelColumn', $pseudoConstantMetadata, 'label'),
+ ]);
+ $fieldIDsInOrder = implode(',', array_keys($sortedOptions));
+ // Pretty sure this validation ALSO happens in the order clause & this can't be reached but...
+ // this might give some early warning.
+ CRM_Utils_Type::validate($fieldIDsInOrder, 'CommaSeparatedIntegers');
+ $order = str_replace("$field", "field({$fieldSpec['name']},$fieldIDsInOrder)", $order);
+ }
+ //CRM-12565 add "`" around $field if it is a pseudo constant
+ // This appears to be for 'special' fields like locations with appended numbers or hyphens .. maybe.
+ if (!empty($pseudoConstantMetadata['element']) && $pseudoConstantMetadata['element'] == $field) {
+ $order = str_replace($field, "`{$field}`", $order);
+ }