return ["civicrm_contact.{$rg->name}.{$rg->threshold}" => $query];
- /**
- * An alternative version which might perform a lot better
- * than the above. Will need to do some testing
- *
- * @param string $rg
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public static function internalOptimized($rg) {
- $sql = "
- email varchar(255),
- contact_id1 int,
- contact_id2 int,
- INDEX(contact_id1),
- INDEX(contact_id2)
- CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
- $sql = "
- SELECT as email, email1.contact_id as contact_id1, email2.contact_id as contact_id2
- FROM civicrm_email as email1
- JOIN civicrm_email as email2 USING (email)
- WHERE email1.contact_id < email2.contact_id
- AND " . self::internalFilters($rg, "email1.contact_id", "email2.contact_id");
- CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
- $query = "
-SELECT contact_id1 as id1, contact_id2 as id2, {$rg->threshold} as weight
-FROM emails
-JOIN civicrm_contact as contact1 on
-JOIN civicrm_contact as contact2 on
-WHERE contact1.contact_type='Individual'
-AND contact2.contact_type='Individual'
-AND " . self::internalFilters($rg);
- return ["civicrm_contact.{$rg->name}.{$rg->threshold}" => $query];
- }
// Note that most of the fields available come from 'importable fields' -
// I thought about making this field 'importable' but it felt like there might be unknown consequences
// so I opted for just adding it in & securing it with a unit test.
- // Example usage of sort_name - It is possible to alter sort name via hook so 2 organization names might differ as in
+ /// Example usage of sort_name - It is possible to alter sort name via hook so 2 organization names might differ as in
// Justice League vs The Justice League but these could have the same sort_name if 'the the'
// exension is installed (
$fields[$ctype]['civicrm_contact']['sort_name'] = ts('Sort Name');
$this->temporaryTables['dedupe'] = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()
->createWithColumns("id1 int, weight int, UNIQUE UI_id1 (id1)")->getName();
+ $dedupeCopyTemporaryTableObject = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()
+ ->setCategory('dedupe');
+ $this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy'] = $dedupeCopyTemporaryTableObject->getName();
$insertClause = "INSERT INTO {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe']} (id1, weight)";
$groupByClause = "GROUP BY id1, weight";
- $dupeCopyJoin = " JOIN dedupe_copy ON dedupe_copy.id1 = t1.column WHERE ";
+ $dupeCopyJoin = " JOIN {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy']} ON {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy']}.id1 = t1.column WHERE ";
else {
$this->temporaryTables['dedupe'] = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()
->createWithColumns("id1 int, id2 int, weight int, UNIQUE UI_id1_id2 (id1, id2)")->getName();
+ $dedupeCopyTemporaryTableObject = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()
+ ->setCategory('dedupe');
+ $this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy'] = $dedupeCopyTemporaryTableObject->getName();
$insertClause = "INSERT INTO {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe']} (id1, id2, weight)";
$groupByClause = "GROUP BY id1, id2, weight";
- $dupeCopyJoin = " JOIN dedupe_copy ON dedupe_copy.id1 = t1.column AND dedupe_copy.id2 = t2.column WHERE ";
+ $dupeCopyJoin = " JOIN {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy']} ON {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy']}.id1 = t1.column AND {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy']}.id2 = t2.column WHERE ";
$patternColumn = '/t1.(\w+)/';
$exclWeightSum = [];
if ($searchWithinDupes) {
// get prepared to search within already found dupes if $searchWithinDupes flag is set
- $dao->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS dedupe_copy");
- $dao->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE dedupe_copy SELECT * FROM {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe']} WHERE weight >= {$weightSum}");
+ $dedupeCopyTemporaryTableObject->createWithQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe']} WHERE weight >= {$weightSum}");
preg_match($patternColumn, $query, $matches);
$query = str_replace(' WHERE ', str_replace('column', $matches[1], $dupeCopyJoin), $query);
// CRM-19612: If there's a union, there will be two WHEREs, and you
// can't use the temp table twice.
- if (preg_match('/dedupe_copy[\S\s]*(union)[\S\s]*dedupe_copy/i', $query, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
+ if (preg_match('/' . $this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy'] . '[\S\s]*(union)[\S\s]*' . $this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy'] . '/i', $query, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
// Make a second temp table:
- $dao->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS dedupe_copy_2");
- $dao->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE dedupe_copy_2 SELECT * FROM {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe']} WHERE weight >= {$weightSum}");
+ $this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy_2'] = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()
+ ->setCategory('dedupe')
+ ->createWithQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->temporaryTables['dedupe']} WHERE weight >= {$weightSum}")
+ ->getName();
// After the union, use that new temp table:
$part1 = substr($query, 0, $matches[1][1]);
- $query = $part1 . str_replace('dedupe_copy', 'dedupe_copy_2', substr($query, $matches[1][1]));
+ $query = $part1 . str_replace($this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy'], $this->temporaryTables['dedupe_copy_2'], substr($query, $matches[1][1]));
$searchWithinDupes = 1;