/*jslint regexp: true, confusion: true, undef: false, node: true, sloppy: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */
var tls = require('tls'),
- net = require('net'),
- http = require('http'),
- https = require('https'),
- fs = require('fs'),
- url = require('url'),
- ws = require('socket.io'),
- _ = require('./lib/underscore.min.js'),
- starttls = require('./lib/starttls.js'),
- kiwi_mod = require('./lib/kiwi_mod.js');
+ net = require('net'),
+ http = require('http'),
+ https = require('https'),
+ fs = require('fs'),
+ url = require('url'),
+ ws = require('socket.io'),
+ _ = require('./lib/underscore.min.js'),
+ starttls = require('./lib/starttls.js'),
+ kiwi_mod = require('./lib/kiwi_mod.js');
- // Libraries may need to know kiwi.js path as __dirname
- // only gives that librarys path. Set it here for usage later.
- kiwi_root = __dirname;
+ // Libraries may need to know kiwi.js path as __dirname
+ // only gives that librarys path. Set it here for usage later.
+ kiwi_root = __dirname;
config = null, config_filename = 'config.json';
var config_dirs = ['/etc/kiwiirc/', __dirname + '/'];
for(var i in config_dirs){
- try {
- if(fs.lstatSync(config_dirs[i] + config_filename).isDirectory() === false){
- config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config_dirs[i] + config_filename, 'ascii'));
- console.log('Using config file ' + config_dirs[i] + config_filename);
- break;
- }
- } catch(e){
- continue;
- }
+ try {
+ if(fs.lstatSync(config_dirs[i] + config_filename).isDirectory() === false){
+ config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config_dirs[i] + config_filename, 'ascii'));
+ console.log('Using config file ' + config_dirs[i] + config_filename);
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch(e){
+ continue;
+ }
if(config === null){
- console.log('Couldn\'t find a config file!');
- process.exit(0);
+ console.log('Couldn\'t find a config file!');
+ process.exit(0);
process.title = 'kiwiirc';
function changeUser(){
- if(typeof config.group !== 'undefined' && config.group !== ''){
- try {
- process.setgid(config.group);
- }
- catch (err) {
- console.log('Failed to set gid: ' + err);
- process.exit();
- }
- }
- if(typeof config.user !== 'undefined' && config.user !== ''){
- try {
- process.setuid(config.user);
- }
- catch (err) {
- console.log('Failed to set uid: ' + err);
- process.exit();
- }
- }
+ if(typeof config.group !== 'undefined' && config.group !== ''){
+ try {
+ process.setgid(config.group);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ console.log('Failed to set gid: ' + err);
+ process.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ if(typeof config.user !== 'undefined' && config.user !== ''){
+ try {
+ process.setuid(config.user);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ console.log('Failed to set uid: ' + err);
+ process.exit();
+ }
+ }
* And now KiwiIRC, the server :)
+ *
var ircNumerics = {
- RPL_WELCOME: '001',
- RPL_ISUPPORT: '005',
- RPL_NOTOPIC: '331',
- RPL_TOPIC: '332',
- RPL_MOTD: '372',
+ RPL_WELCOME: '001',
+ RPL_ISUPPORT: '005',
+ RPL_NOTOPIC: '331',
+ RPL_TOPIC: '332',
+ RPL_MOTD: '372',
var parseIRCMessage = function (websocket, ircSocket, data) {
- /*global ircSocketDataHandler */
- var msg, regex, opts, options, opt, i, j, matches, nick, users, chan, params, prefix, prefixes, nicklist, caps, rtn;
- regex = /^(?::(?:([a-z0-9\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7D\.\-]+)|([a-z0-9\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7D\.\-]+)!([a-z0-9~\.\-_|]+)@([a-z0-9\.\-:]+)) )?([a-z0-9]+)(?:(?: ([^:]+))?(?: :(.+))?)$/i;
- msg = regex.exec(data);
- if (msg) {
- msg = {
- prefix: msg[1],
- nick: msg[2],
- ident: msg[3],
- hostname: msg[4],
- command: msg[5],
- params: msg[6] || '',
- trailing: (msg[7]) ? msg[7].trim() : ''
- };
- switch (msg.command.toUpperCase()) {
- case 'PING':
- ircSocket.write('PONG ' + msg.trailing + '\r\n');
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WELCOME:
- if (ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating) {
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating = false;
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.enabled = [];
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested = [];
- }
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'connect', connected: true, host: null});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_ISUPPORT:
- opts = msg.params.split(" ");
- options = [];
- for (i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
- opt = opts[i].split("=", 2);
- opt[0] = opt[0].toUpperCase();
- ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]] = opt[1] || true;
- if (_.include(['NETWORK', 'PREFIX', 'CHANTYPES'], opt[0])) {
- if (opt[0] === 'PREFIX') {
- regex = /\(([^)]*)\)(.*)/;
- matches = regex.exec(opt[1]);
- if ((matches) && (matches.length === 3)) {
- ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]] = [];
- for (j = 0; j < matches[2].length; j++) {
- //ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]][matches[2].charAt(j)] = matches[1].charAt(j);
- ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]].push({symbol: matches[2].charAt(j), mode: matches[1].charAt(j)});
- //console.log({symbol: matches[2].charAt(j), mode: matches[1].charAt(j)});
- }
- console.log(ircSocket.IRC.options);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'options', server: '', "options": ircSocket.IRC.options});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISUSER:
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISSERVER:
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISOPERATOR:
- case ircNumerics.RPL_ENDOFWHOIS:
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISCHANNELS:
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISMODES:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'whois', server: '', nick: msg.params.split(" ", 3)[1], "msg": msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISIDLE:
- params = msg.params.split(" ", 4);
- rtn = {event: 'whois', server: '', nick: params[1], idle: params[2]};
- if (params[3]) {
- rtn.logon = params[3];
- }
- websocket.emit('message', rtn);
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_MOTD:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'motd', server: '', "msg": msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_NAMEREPLY:
- params = msg.params.split(" ");
- nick = params[0];
- chan = params[2];
- users = msg.trailing.split(" ");
- prefixes = _.values(ircSocket.IRC.options.PREFIX);
- nicklist = {};
- i = 0;
- _.each(users, function (user) {
- if (_.include(prefix, user.charAt(0))) {
- prefix = user.charAt(0);
- user = user.substring(1);
- nicklist[user] = prefix;
- } else {
- nicklist[user] = '';
- }
- if (i++ >= 50) {
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'userlist', server: '', "users": nicklist, channel: chan});
- nicklist = {};
- i = 0;
- }
- });
- if (i > 0) {
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'userlist', server: '', "users": nicklist, channel: chan});
- } else {
- console.log("oops");
- }
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_ENDOFNAMES:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'userlist_end', server: '', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1]});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_LINKCHANNEL:
- params = msg.params.split(" ");
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'channel_redirect', from: params[1], to: params[2]});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_NOSUCHNICK:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'no_such_nick', nick: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case 'JOIN':
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'join', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.trailing});
- if (msg.nick === ircSocket.IRC.nick) {
- ircSocket.write('NAMES ' + msg.trailing + '\r\n');
- }
- break;
- case 'PART':
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'part', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), message: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case 'KICK':
- params = msg.params.split(" ");
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'kick', kicked: params[1], nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: params[0].trim(), message: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case 'QUIT':
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'quit', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, message: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case 'NOTICE':
- if ((msg.trailing.charAt(0) === '\001') && (msg.trailing.charAt(msg.trailing.length - 1) === '\001')) {
- // It's a CTCP response
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'ctcp_response', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing.substr(1, msg.trailing.length - 2)});
- } else {
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'notice', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing});
- }
- break;
- case 'NICK':
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'nick', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, newnick: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case 'TOPIC':
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'topic', nick: msg.nick, channel: msg.params, topic: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_TOPIC:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'topic', nick: '', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], topic: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.RPL_NOTOPIC:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'topic', nick: '', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], topic:''});
- break;
- case 'MODE':
- opts = msg.params.split(" ");
- params = {event: 'mode', nick: msg.nick};
- switch (opts.length) {
- case 1:
- params.effected_nick = opts[0];
- params.mode = msg.trailing;
- break;
- case 2:
- params.channel = opts[0];
- params.mode = opts[1];
- break;
- default:
- params.channel = opts[0];
- params.mode = opts[1];
- params.effected_nick = opts[2];
- break;
- }
- websocket.emit('message', params);
- break;
- case 'PRIVMSG':
- if ((msg.trailing.charAt(0) === '\001') && (msg.trailing.charAt(msg.trailing.length - 1) === '\001')) {
- // It's a CTCP request
- if (msg.trailing.substr(1, 6) === 'ACTION') {
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'action', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing.substr(7, msg.trailing.length - 2)});
- } else if (msg.trailing.substr(1, 7) === 'VERSION') {
- ircSocket.write('NOTICE ' + msg.nick + ' :\001VERSION KiwiIRC\001\r\n');
- } else {
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'ctcp_request', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing.substr(1, msg.trailing.length - 2)});
- }
- } else {
- var obj = {event: 'msg', nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing};
- obj = kiwi_mod.run('msg', obj);
- if(obj !== null) websocket.emit('message', obj);
- }
- break;
- case 'CAP':
- caps = config.cap_options;
- options = msg.trailing.split(" ");
- switch (_.first(msg.params.split(" "))) {
- case 'LS':
- opts = '';
- _.each(_.intersect(caps, options), function (cap) {
- if (opts !== '') {
- opts += " ";
- }
- opts += cap;
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested.push(cap);
- });
- if (opts.length > 0) {
- ircSocket.write('CAP REQ :' + opts + '\r\n');
- } else {
- ircSocket.write('CAP END\r\n');
- }
- // TLS is special
- /*if (_.include(options, 'tls')) {
- ircSocket.write('STARTTLS\r\n');
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested.push('tls');
- }*/
- break;
- case 'ACK':
- _.each(options, function (cap) {
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.enabled.push(cap);
- });
- if (_.last(msg.params.split(" ")) !== '*') {
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested = [];
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating = false;
- ircSocket.write('CAP END\r\n');
- }
- break;
- case 'NAK':
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested = [];
- ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating = false;
- ircSocket.write('CAP END\r\n');
- break;
- }
- break;
- /*case ircNumerics.RPL_STARTTLS:
- try {
- IRC = ircSocket.IRC;
- listeners = ircSocket.listeners('data');
- ircSocket.removeAllListeners('data');
- ssl_socket = starttls(ircSocket, {}, function () {
- ssl_socket.on("data", function (data) {
- ircSocketDataHandler(data, websocket, ssl_socket);
- });
- ircSocket = ssl_socket;
- ircSocket.IRC = IRC;
- _.each(listeners, function (listener) {
- ircSocket.addListener('data', listener);
- });
- });
- //console.log(ircSocket);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(e);
- }
- break;*/
- case ircNumerics.ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'cannot_send_to_chan', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'too_many_channels', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL:
- params = msg.params.split(" ");
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'user_not_in_channel', nick: params[0], channel: params[1], reason: msg.trainling});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_NOTONCHANNEL:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'not_on_channel', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_CHANNELISFULL:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'channel_is_full', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'invite_only_channel', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'banned_from_channel', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_BADCHANNELKEY:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'bad_channel_key', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- case ircNumerics.ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED:
- websocket.emit('message', {event: 'irc_error', error: 'chanop_privs_needed', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
- break;
- }
- } else {
- console.log("Unknown command.\r\n");
- }
+ /*global ircSocketDataHandler */
+ var msg, regex, opts, options, opt, i, j, matches, nick, users, chan, params, prefix, prefixes, nicklist, caps, rtn;
+ regex = /^(?::(?:([a-z0-9\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7D\.\-]+)|([a-z0-9\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7D\.\-]+)!([a-z0-9~\.\-_|]+)@([a-z0-9\.\-:]+)) )?([a-z0-9]+)(?:(?: ([^:]+))?(?: :(.+))?)$/i;
+ msg = regex.exec(data);
+ if (msg) {
+ msg = {
+ prefix: msg[1],
+ nick: msg[2],
+ ident: msg[3],
+ hostname: msg[4],
+ command: msg[5],
+ params: msg[6] || '',
+ trailing: (msg[7]) ? msg[7].trim() : ''
+ };
+ switch (msg.command.toUpperCase()) {
+ case 'PING':
+ websocket.sendServerLine('PONG ' + msg.trailing);
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WELCOME:
+ if (ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating) {
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating = false;
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.enabled = [];
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested = [];
+ }
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('connect', {connected: true, host: null});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_ISUPPORT:
+ opts = msg.params.split(" ");
+ options = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
+ opt = opts[i].split("=", 2);
+ opt[0] = opt[0].toUpperCase();
+ ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]] = opt[1] || true;
+ if (_.include(['NETWORK', 'PREFIX', 'CHANTYPES'], opt[0])) {
+ if (opt[0] === 'PREFIX') {
+ regex = /\(([^)]*)\)(.*)/;
+ matches = regex.exec(opt[1]);
+ if ((matches) && (matches.length === 3)) {
+ ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]] = [];
+ for (j = 0; j < matches[2].length; j++) {
+ //ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]][matches[2].charAt(j)] = matches[1].charAt(j);
+ ircSocket.IRC.options[opt[0]].push({symbol: matches[2].charAt(j), mode: matches[1].charAt(j)});
+ //console.log({symbol: matches[2].charAt(j), mode: matches[1].charAt(j)});
+ }
+ console.log(ircSocket.IRC.options);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('options', {server: '', "options": ircSocket.IRC.options});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISUSER:
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISSERVER:
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISOPERATOR:
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_ENDOFWHOIS:
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISCHANNELS:
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISMODES:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('whois', {server: '', nick: msg.params.split(" ", 3)[1], "msg": msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_WHOISIDLE:
+ params = msg.params.split(" ", 4);
+ rtn = {server: '', nick: params[1], idle: params[2]};
+ if (params[3]) {
+ rtn.logon = params[3];
+ }
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('whois', rtn);
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_MOTD:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('motd', {server: '', "msg": msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_NAMEREPLY:
+ params = msg.params.split(" ");
+ nick = params[0];
+ chan = params[2];
+ users = msg.trailing.split(" ");
+ prefixes = _.values(ircSocket.IRC.options.PREFIX);
+ nicklist = {};
+ i = 0;
+ _.each(users, function (user) {
+ if (_.include(prefix, user.charAt(0))) {
+ prefix = user.charAt(0);
+ user = user.substring(1);
+ nicklist[user] = prefix;
+ } else {
+ nicklist[user] = '';
+ }
+ if (i++ >= 50) {
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('userlist', {server: '', 'users': nicklist, channel: chan});
+ nicklist = {};
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ if (i > 0) {
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('userlist', {server: '', "users": nicklist, channel: chan});
+ } else {
+ console.log("oops");
+ }
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_ENDOFNAMES:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('userlist_end', {server: '', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1]});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_LINKCHANNEL:
+ params = msg.params.split(" ");
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('channel_redirect', {from: params[1], to: params[2]});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_NOSUCHNICK:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'no_such_nick', nick: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case 'JOIN':
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('join', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.trailing});
+ if (msg.nick === ircSocket.IRC.nick) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('NAMES ' + msg.trailing);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'PART':
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('part', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), message: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case 'KICK':
+ params = msg.params.split(" ");
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('kick', {kicked: params[1], nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: params[0].trim(), message: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case 'QUIT':
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('quit', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, message: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case 'NOTICE':
+ if ((msg.trailing.charAt(0) === '\001') && (msg.trailing.charAt(msg.trailing.length - 1) === '\001')) {
+ // It's a CTCP response
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('ctcp_response', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing.substr(1, msg.trailing.length - 2)});
+ } else {
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('notice', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing});
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'NICK':
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('nick', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, newnick: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case 'TOPIC':
+ var obj = {nick: msg.nick, channel: msg.params, topic: msg.trailing};
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('topic', obj);
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_TOPIC:
+ var obj = {nick: '', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], topic: msg.trailing};
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('topic', obj);
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.RPL_NOTOPIC:
+ var obj = {nick: '', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], topic:''};
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('topic', obj);
+ break;
+ case 'MODE':
+ opts = msg.params.split(" ");
+ params = {nick: msg.nick};
+ switch (opts.length) {
+ case 1:
+ params.effected_nick = opts[0];
+ params.mode = msg.trailing;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ params.channel = opts[0];
+ params.mode = opts[1];
+ break;
+ default:
+ params.channel = opts[0];
+ params.mode = opts[1];
+ params.effected_nick = opts[2];
+ break;
+ }
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('mode', params);
+ break;
+ case 'PRIVMSG':
+ if ((msg.trailing.charAt(0) === '\001') && (msg.trailing.charAt(msg.trailing.length - 1) === '\001')) {
+ // It's a CTCP request
+ if (msg.trailing.substr(1, 6) === 'ACTION') {
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('action', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing.substr(7, msg.trailing.length - 2)});
+ } else if (msg.trailing.substr(1, 7) === 'VERSION') {
+ ircSocket.write('NOTICE ' + msg.nick + ' :\001VERSION KiwiIRC\001\r\n');
+ } else {
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('ctcp_request', {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing.substr(1, msg.trailing.length - 2)});
+ }
+ } else {
+ var obj = {nick: msg.nick, ident: msg.ident, hostname: msg.hostname, channel: msg.params.trim(), msg: msg.trailing};
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('msg', obj);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'CAP':
+ caps = config.cap_options;
+ options = msg.trailing.split(" ");
+ switch (_.first(msg.params.split(" "))) {
+ case 'LS':
+ opts = '';
+ _.each(_.intersect(caps, options), function (cap) {
+ if (opts !== '') {
+ opts += " ";
+ }
+ opts += cap;
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested.push(cap);
+ });
+ if (opts.length > 0) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('CAP REQ :' + opts);
+ } else {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('CAP END');
+ }
+ // TLS is special
+ /*if (_.include(options, 'tls')) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('STARTTLS');
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested.push('tls');
+ }*/
+ break;
+ case 'ACK':
+ _.each(options, function (cap) {
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.enabled.push(cap);
+ });
+ if (_.last(msg.params.split(" ")) !== '*') {
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested = [];
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating = false;
+ websocket.sendServerLine('CAP END');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'NAK':
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.requested = [];
+ ircSocket.IRC.CAP.negotiating = false;
+ websocket.sendServerLine('CAP END');
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ /*case ircNumerics.RPL_STARTTLS:
+ try {
+ IRC = ircSocket.IRC;
+ listeners = ircSocket.listeners('data');
+ ircSocket.removeAllListeners('data');
+ ssl_socket = starttls(ircSocket, {}, function () {
+ ssl_socket.on("data", function (data) {
+ ircSocketDataHandler(data, websocket, ssl_socket);
+ });
+ ircSocket = ssl_socket;
+ ircSocket.IRC = IRC;
+ _.each(listeners, function (listener) {
+ ircSocket.addListener('data', listener);
+ });
+ });
+ //console.log(ircSocket);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ break;*/
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'cannot_send_to_chan', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'too_many_channels', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL:
+ params = msg.params.split(" ");
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'user_not_in_channel', nick: params[0], channel: params[1], reason: msg.trainling});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_NOTONCHANNEL:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'not_on_channel', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_CHANNELISFULL:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'channel_is_full', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'invite_only_channel', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'banned_from_channel', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_BADCHANNELKEY:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'bad_channel_key', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ case ircNumerics.ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED:
+ websocket.sendClientEvent('irc_error', {error: 'chanop_privs_needed', channel: msg.params.split(" ")[1], reason: msg.trailing});
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.log("Unknown command.\r\n");
+ }
var ircSocketDataHandler = function (data, websocket, ircSocket) {
- var i;
- if ((ircSocket.holdLast) && (ircSocket.held !== '')) {
- data = ircSocket.held + data;
- ircSocket.holdLast = false;
- ircSocket.held = '';
- }
- if (data.substr(-2) === '\r\n') {
- ircSocket.holdLast = true;
- }
- data = data.split("\r\n");
- for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- if (data[i]) {
- if ((ircSocket.holdLast) && (i === data.length - 1)) {
- ircSocket.held = data[i];
- break;
- }
- console.log("->" + data[i]);
- parseIRCMessage(websocket, ircSocket, data[i]);
- }
- }
+ var i;
+ if ((ircSocket.holdLast) && (ircSocket.held !== '')) {
+ data = ircSocket.held + data;
+ ircSocket.holdLast = false;
+ ircSocket.held = '';
+ }
+ if (data.substr(-2) === '\r\n') {
+ ircSocket.holdLast = true;
+ }
+ data = data.split("\r\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ if (data[i]) {
+ if ((ircSocket.holdLast) && (i === data.length - 1)) {
+ ircSocket.held = data[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ console.log("->" + data[i]);
+ parseIRCMessage(websocket, ircSocket, data[i]);
+ }
+ }
if (config.handle_http) {
- var fileServer = new (require('node-static').Server)(__dirname + config.public_http);
- var jade = require('jade');
+ var fileServer = new (require('node-static').Server)(__dirname + config.public_http);
+ var jade = require('jade');
var httpHandler = function (request, response) {
- var uri, subs, useragent, agent, server_set, server, nick, debug, touchscreen;
- if (config.handle_http) {
- uri = url.parse(request.url);
- subs = uri.pathname.substr(0, 4);
- if ((subs === '/js/') || (subs === '/css') || (subs === '/img')) {
- request.addListener('end', function () {
- fileServer.serve(request, response);
- });
- } else if (uri.pathname === '/') {
- useragent = (response.headers) ? response.headers['user-agent']: '';
- if (useragent.indexOf('android') !== -1) {
- agent = 'android';
- touchscreen = true;
- } else if (useragent.indexOf('iphone') !== -1) {
- agent = 'iphone';
- touchscreen = true;
- } else if (useragent.indexOf('ipad') !== -1) {
- agent = 'ipad';
- touchscreen = true;
- } else if (useragent.indexOf('ipod') !== -1) {
- agent = 'ipod';
- touchscreen = true;
- } else {
- agent = 'normal';
- touchscreen = false;
- }
- if (uri.query) {
- server_set = (uri.query.server !== '');
- server = uri.query.server || 'irc.anonnet.org';
- nick = uri.query.nick || '';
- debug = (uri.query.debug !== '');
- } else {
- server = 'irc.anonnet.org';
- nick = '';
- }
- response.setHeader('Connection', 'close');
- response.setHeader('X-Generated-By', 'KiwiIRC');
- jade.renderFile(__dirname + '/client/index.html.jade', { locals: { "touchscreen": touchscreen, "debug": debug, "server_set": server_set, "server": server, "nick": nick, "agent": agent, "config": config }}, function (err, html) {
- if (!err) {
- response.write(html);
- } else {
- response.statusCode = 500;
- }
- response.end();
- });
- } else if (uri.pathname.substr(0, 10) === '/socket.io') {
- // Do nothing!
- } else {
- response.statusCode = 404;
- response.end();
- }
- }
+ var uri, subs, useragent, agent, server_set, server, nick, debug, touchscreen;
+ if (config.handle_http) {
+ uri = url.parse(request.url);
+ subs = uri.pathname.substr(0, 4);
+ if ((subs === '/js/') || (subs === '/css') || (subs === '/img')) {
+ request.addListener('end', function () {
+ fileServer.serve(request, response);
+ });
+ } else if (uri.pathname === '/') {
+ useragent = (response.headers) ? response.headers['user-agent']: '';
+ if (useragent.indexOf('android') !== -1) {
+ agent = 'android';
+ touchscreen = true;
+ } else if (useragent.indexOf('iphone') !== -1) {
+ agent = 'iphone';
+ touchscreen = true;
+ } else if (useragent.indexOf('ipad') !== -1) {
+ agent = 'ipad';
+ touchscreen = true;
+ } else if (useragent.indexOf('ipod') !== -1) {
+ agent = 'ipod';
+ touchscreen = true;
+ } else {
+ agent = 'normal';
+ touchscreen = false;
+ }
+ if (uri.query) {
+ server_set = (uri.query.server !== '');
+ server = uri.query.server || 'irc.anonnet.org';
+ nick = uri.query.nick || '';
+ debug = (uri.query.debug !== '');
+ } else {
+ server = 'irc.anonnet.org';
+ nick = '';
+ }
+ response.setHeader('Connection', 'close');
+ response.setHeader('X-Generated-By', 'KiwiIRC');
+ jade.renderFile(__dirname + '/client/index.html.jade', { locals: { "touchscreen": touchscreen, "debug": debug, "server_set": server_set, "server": server, "nick": nick, "agent": agent, "config": config }}, function (err, html) {
+ if (!err) {
+ response.write(html);
+ } else {
+ response.statusCode = 500;
+ }
+ response.end();
+ });
+ } else if (uri.pathname.substr(0, 10) === '/socket.io') {
+ // Do nothing!
+ } else {
+ response.statusCode = 404;
+ response.end();
+ }
+ }
//setup websocket listener
if (config.listen_ssl) {
- var httpServer = https.createServer({key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + config.ssl_key), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + config.ssl_cert)}, httpHandler);
- var io = ws.listen(httpServer, {secure: true});
- httpServer.listen(config.port, config.bind_address);
+ var httpServer = https.createServer({key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + config.ssl_key), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + config.ssl_cert)}, httpHandler);
+ var io = ws.listen(httpServer, {secure: true});
+ httpServer.listen(config.port, config.bind_address);
} else {
- var httpServer = http.createServer(httpHandler);
- var io = ws.listen(httpServer, {secure: false});
- httpServer.listen(config.port, config.bind_address);
+ var httpServer = http.createServer(httpHandler);
+ var io = ws.listen(httpServer, {secure: false});
+ httpServer.listen(config.port, config.bind_address);
// Now we're listening on the network, set our UID/GIDs if required
+// The main socket listening/handling routines
io.of('/kiwi').on('connection', function (websocket) {
- websocket.on('irc connect', function (nick, host, port, ssl, callback) {
- var ircSocket;
- //setup IRC connection
- if (!ssl) {
- ircSocket = net.createConnection(port, host);
- } else {
- ircSocket = tls.connect(port, host);
- }
- ircSocket.setEncoding('ascii');
- ircSocket.IRC = {options: {}, CAP: {negotiating: true, requested: [], enabled: []}};
- websocket.ircSocket = ircSocket;
- ircSocket.holdLast = false;
- ircSocket.held = '';
- ircSocket.on('data', function (data) {
- ircSocketDataHandler(data, websocket, ircSocket);
- });
- ircSocket.IRC.nick = nick;
- // Send the login data
- ircSocket.write('CAP LS\r\n');
- ircSocket.write('NICK ' + nick + '\r\n');
- ircSocket.write('USER ' + nick + '_kiwi 0 0 :' + nick + '\r\n');
- if ((callback) && (typeof (callback) === 'function')) {
- callback();
- }
- });
- websocket.on('message', function (msg, callback) {
- var args;
- try {
- msg.data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
- args = msg.data.args;
- switch (msg.data.method) {
- case 'msg':
- if ((args.target) && (args.msg)) {
- var obj = kiwi_mod.run('msgsend', args, {websocket: websocket});
- if (obj !== null) websocket.ircSocket.write('PRIVMSG ' + args.target + ' :' + args.msg + '\r\n');
- }
- break;
- case 'action':
- if ((args.target) && (args.msg)) {
- websocket.ircSocket.write('PRIVMSG ' + args.target + ' :\ 1ACTION ' + args.msg + '\ 1\r\n');
- }
- break;
- case 'raw':
- websocket.ircSocket.write(args.data + '\r\n');
- break;
- case 'join':
- if (args.channel) {
- _.each(args.channel.split(","), function (chan) {
- websocket.ircSocket.write('JOIN ' + chan + '\r\n');
- });
- }
- break;
- case 'topic':
- if (args.channel) {
- websocket.ircSocket.write('TOPIC ' + args.channel + ' :' + args.topic + '\r\n');
- }
- break;
- case 'quit':
- websocket.ircSocket.end('QUIT :' + args.message + '\r\n');
- websocket.sentQUIT = true;
- websocket.ircSocket.destroySoon();
- websocket.disconnect();
- break;
- case 'notice':
- if ((args.target) && (args.msg)) {
- websocket.ircSocket.write('NOTICE ' + args.target + ' :' + args.msg + '\r\n');
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- if ((callback) && (typeof (callback) === 'function')) {
- callback();
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("Caught error: " + e);
- }
- });
- websocket.on('disconnect', function () {
- if ((!websocket.sentQUIT) && (websocket.ircSocket)) {
- websocket.ircSocket.end('QUIT :' + config.quit_message + '\r\n');
- websocket.sentQUIT = true;
- websocket.ircSocket.destroySoon();
- }
- });
+ websocket.sendClientEvent = function(event_name, data){
+ kiwi_mod.run(event_name, data, {websocket: this});
+ data.event = event_name;
+ this.emit('message', data);
+ };
+ websocket.sendServerLine = function(data, eol){
+ eol = (typeof eol === 'undefined') ? '\r\n' : eol;
+ this.ircSocket.write(data + eol);
+ }
+ websocket.on('irc connect', function (nick, host, port, ssl, callback) {
+ var ircSocket;
+ //setup IRC connection
+ if (!ssl) {
+ ircSocket = net.createConnection(port, host);
+ } else {
+ ircSocket = tls.connect(port, host);
+ }
+ ircSocket.setEncoding('ascii');
+ ircSocket.IRC = {options: {}, CAP: {negotiating: true, requested: [], enabled: []}};
+ websocket.ircSocket = ircSocket;
+ ircSocket.holdLast = false;
+ ircSocket.held = '';
+ ircSocket.on('data', function (data) {
+ ircSocketDataHandler(data, websocket, ircSocket);
+ });
+ ircSocket.IRC.nick = nick;
+ // Send the login data
+ websocket.sendServerLine('CAP LS');
+ websocket.sendServerLine('NICK ' + nick);
+ websocket.sendServerLine('USER ' + nick + '_kiwi 0 0 :' + nick);
+ if ((callback) && (typeof (callback) === 'function')) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+ websocket.on('message', function (msg, callback) {
+ var args;
+ try {
+ msg.data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
+ args = msg.data.args;
+ switch (msg.data.method) {
+ case 'msg':
+ if ((args.target) && (args.msg)) {
+ var obj = kiwi_mod.run('msgsend', args, {websocket: websocket});
+ if (obj !== null) websocket.sendServerLine('PRIVMSG ' + args.target + ' :' + args.msg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'action':
+ if ((args.target) && (args.msg)) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('PRIVMSG ' + args.target + ' :\ 1ACTION ' + args.msg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'raw':
+ websocket.sendServerLine(args.data);
+ break;
+ case 'join':
+ if (args.channel) {
+ _.each(args.channel.split(","), function (chan) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('JOIN ' + chan);
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'topic':
+ if (args.channel) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('TOPIC ' + args.channel + ' :' + args.topic);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'quit':
+ websocket.ircSocket.end('QUIT :' + args.message + '\r\n');
+ websocket.sentQUIT = true;
+ websocket.ircSocket.destroySoon();
+ websocket.disconnect();
+ break;
+ case 'notice':
+ if ((args.target) && (args.msg)) {
+ websocket.sendServerLine('NOTICE ' + args.target + ' :' + args.msg);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if ((callback) && (typeof (callback) === 'function')) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log("Caught error: " + e);
+ }
+ });
+ websocket.on('disconnect', function () {
+ if ((!websocket.sentQUIT) && (websocket.ircSocket)) {
+ websocket.ircSocket.end('QUIT :' + config.quit_message + '\r\n');
+ websocket.sentQUIT = true;
+ websocket.ircSocket.destroySoon();
+ }
+ });