var paletteFieldsByEntitySection = this.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection').getFieldsByEntitySection();
- var ufGroupTypes = [];
- if (typeof paletteView.model.attributes.group_type == 'undefined'){
- //Case 'Copy' where we don't get the group_type directly
- //TODO: extract the group_type from it and split to carry forward the normal functionality
- //as in case of Edit
- CRM.api('UFGroup', 'getsingle' , {'name': paletteView.model.previousAttributes().name}, {
- success: function(data) {
- ufGroupTypes.push(data.group_type.split(','));
- }
- });
- //console.log(ufGroupTypes['']);
- }
- else {
- ufGroupTypes = paletteView.model.attributes.group_type.split(',');
- }
- var allowedEntityNames = [];
- for(key in ufGroupTypes) {
- allowedEntityNames[key] = CRM.UF.guessEntityName(ufGroupTypes[key]);
- }
_.each(ufEntityModel.getSections(), function(section, sectionKey){
- var entitySection = null;
- if ($.inArray(ufEntityModel.get('entity_name'), allowedEntityNames) != -1 || !ufGroupTypes) {
- entitySection = ufEntityModel.get('entity_name') + '-' + sectionKey;
- }
+ var entitySection = ufEntityModel.get('entity_name') + '-' + sectionKey;
var items = [];
- if (entitySection) {
- if (paletteFieldsByEntitySection[entitySection]) {
- _.each(paletteFieldsByEntitySection[entitySection], function(paletteFieldModel, k) {
- items.push({data: paletteFieldModel.getLabel(), attr: {'class': 'crm-designer-palette-field', 'data-plm-cid': paletteFieldModel.cid}});
- });
- }
- if (section.is_addable) {
- items.push({data: ts('+ Add New Field'), attr: {'class': 'crm-designer-palette-add'}});
- }
- if (items.length > 0) {
- treeData.push({
- data: section.title,
- children: items,
- state: _.contains(paletteView.openTreeNodes, sectionKey) ? 'open' : 'closed',
- attr: {
- 'class': 'crm-designer-palette-section',
- 'data-section': sectionKey,
- 'data-entity': ufEntityModel.get('entity_name')
- }
- });
- }
- }
+ if (paletteFieldsByEntitySection[entitySection]) {
+ _.each(paletteFieldsByEntitySection[entitySection], function(paletteFieldModel, k) {
+ items.push({data: paletteFieldModel.getLabel(), attr: {'class': 'crm-designer-palette-field', 'data-plm-cid': paletteFieldModel.cid}});
+ });
+ }
+ if (section.is_addable) {
+ items.push({data: ts('+ Add New Field'), attr: {'class': 'crm-designer-palette-add'}});
+ }
+ if (items.length > 0) {
+ treeData.push({
+ data: section.title,
+ children: items,
+ state: _.contains(paletteView.openTreeNodes, sectionKey) ? 'open' : 'closed',
+ attr: {
+ 'class': 'crm-designer-palette-section',
+ 'data-section': sectionKey,
+ 'data-entity': ufEntityModel.get('entity_name')
+ }
+ });
+ }