- * Legacy. Better for a method to work on its own PropertyBag,
- * but also, this function does not do very much.
+ * Get the submitted amount, padded to 2 decimal places, if needed.
* @param array $params
* @return string
- * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
protected function getAmount($params = []) {
if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::numeric($params['amount'])) {
CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning('Passing Amount value that is not numeric is deprecated please report this in gitlab');
return CRM_Utils_Money::formatUSLocaleNumericRounded(filter_var($params['amount'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION), 2);
- return CRM_Utils_Money::formatUSLocaleNumericRounded($params['amount'], 2);
+ // Amount is already formatted to a machine-friendly format but may NOT have
+ // decimal places - eg. it could be 1000.1 so this would return 1000.10.
+ return Civi::format()->machineMoney($params['amount']);
return '';
$formatter = $this->getMoneyFormatter($currency, $locale, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
- $money = Money::of($amount, $currency, NULL, RoundingMode::HALF_UP);
- return $money->formatWith($formatter);
+ return Money::of($amount, $currency, NULL, RoundingMode::HALF_UP)->formatWith($formatter);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a number formatted to a machine format with padded decimal places.
+ *
+ * This is intended to be a machine-friendly format that is also suitable
+ * for sending out to other systems that might expect 2 digits after the
+ * decimal point.
+ *
+ * Most currencies format to 2 decimal places so the default of 'USD' will
+ * achieve that.
+ *
+ * For example an input of 1000.1 will return 1000.10.
+ *
+ * This will ensure that
+ *
+ * @param string|float|int $amount
+ * @param string $currency
+ *
+ * @return string
+ *
+ * @noinspection PhpDocMissingThrowsInspection
+ * @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection
+ */
+ public function machineMoney($amount, string $currency = 'USD'): string {
+ $formatter = $this->getMoneyFormatter($currency, 'en_US', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL, [NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED => FALSE]);
+ return Money::of($amount, $currency, NULL, RoundingMode::HALF_UP)->formatWith($formatter);
public function testSinglePayment(): void {
$params = $this->getBillingParams();
- $params['amount'] = 20.00;
+ $params['amount'] = 1020.00;
$params['currency'] = 'AUD';
$params['description'] = 'Test Contribution';
$params['invoiceID'] = 'xyz';
public function getExpectedSinglePaymentRequests(): array {
return [
- 'USER[4]=test&VENDOR[4]=test&PARTNER[6]=PayPal&PWD[8]=test1234&TENDER[1]=C&TRXTYPE[1]=S&ACCT[16]=4111111111111111&CVV2[3]=123&EXPDATE[4]=1022&ACCTTYPE[4]=Visa&AMT[5]=20.00&CURRENCY[3]=AUD&FIRSTNAME[4]=John&LASTNAME[8]=O\'Connor&STREET[16]=8 Hobbitton Road&CITY[9]=The+Shire&STATE[3]=NSW&ZIP[4]=5010&COUNTRY[3]=AUS&EMAIL[24]=unittesteway@civicrm.org&CUSTIP[9]=[4]=4200&COMMENT2[4]=live&INVNUM[3]=xyz&ORDERDESC[17]=Test+Contribution&VERBOSITY[6]=MEDIUM&BILLTOCOUNTRY[3]=AUS',
+ 'USER[4]=test&VENDOR[4]=test&PARTNER[6]=PayPal&PWD[8]=test1234&TENDER[1]=C&TRXTYPE[1]=S&ACCT[16]=4111111111111111&CVV2[3]=123&EXPDATE[4]=1022&ACCTTYPE[4]=Visa&AMT[7]=1020.00&CURRENCY[3]=AUD&FIRSTNAME[4]=John&LASTNAME[8]=O\'Connor&STREET[16]=8 Hobbitton Road&CITY[9]=The+Shire&STATE[3]=NSW&ZIP[4]=5010&COUNTRY[3]=AUS&EMAIL[24]=unittesteway@civicrm.org&CUSTIP[9]=[4]=4200&COMMENT2[4]=live&INVNUM[3]=xyz&ORDERDESC[17]=Test+Contribution&VERBOSITY[6]=MEDIUM&BILLTOCOUNTRY[3]=AUS',