<div class="api4-explorer-row">
<div class="panel panel-warning explorer-code-panel">
- <div class="panel-heading">
- <h3 class="panel-title" crm-icon="fa-code">{{ ts('Code') }}</h3>
- </div>
+ <ul class="panel-heading nav nav-tabs">
+ <li role="presentation" ng-repeat="tab in code" ng-class="{active: selectedTab.code === tab.lang}">
+ <a href ng-click="selectedTab.code = tab.lang">
+ {{ tab.lang }}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
<div class="panel-body">
- <table>
- <tr ng-repeat="(type, item) in code">
- <td>{{ codeLabel[type] }}</td>
- <td><pre class="prettyprint" ng-bind-html="item"></pre></td>
+ <table ng-repeat="tab in code" ng-show="selectedTab.code === tab.lang">
+ <tr ng-repeat="style in tab.style">
+ <td>{{ style.label }}</td>
+ <td><pre class="prettyprint" ng-bind-html="style.code"></pre></td>
<div class="panel explorer-result-panel panel-{{ status }}" >
<ul class="panel-heading nav nav-tabs">
- <li role="presentation" ng-class="{active: resultTab.selected === 'result'}">
- <a href ng-click="resultTab.selected = 'result'">
+ <li role="presentation" ng-class="{active: selectedTab.result === 'result'}">
+ <a href ng-click="selectedTab.result = 'result'">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-circle-o" ng-if="status === 'default'"></i>
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-check-circle" ng-if="status === 'success'"></i>
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-minus-circle" ng-if="status === 'danger'"></i>
<span>{{ ts('Result') }}</span>
- <li role="presentation" ng-if="perm.accessDebugOutput" ng-class="{active: resultTab.selected === 'debug'}">
- <a href ng-click="resultTab.selected = 'debug'">
+ <li role="presentation" ng-if="perm.accessDebugOutput" ng-class="{active: selectedTab.result === 'debug'}">
+ <a href ng-click="selectedTab.result = 'debug'">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-{{ debug ? 'bug' : 'circle-o' }}"></i>
<span>{{ ts('Debug') }}</span>
<div class="panel-body">
- <div ng-show="resultTab.selected === 'result'">
+ <div ng-show="selectedTab.result === 'result'">
<pre class="prettyprint" ng-repeat="code in result" ng-bind-html="code"></pre>
- <div ng-show="resultTab.selected === 'debug'">
+ <div ng-show="selectedTab.result === 'debug'">
<pre ng-if="debug" class="prettyprint" ng-bind-html="debug"></pre>
<p ng-if="!debug">
{{ ts('To view debugging output, enable the debug param before executing.') }}
$scope.availableParams = {};
$scope.params = {};
$scope.index = '';
- $scope.resultTab = {selected: 'result'};
+ $scope.selectedTab = {result: 'result', code: 'php'};
$scope.perm = {
accessDebugOutput: CRM.checkPerm('access debug output')
$scope.status = 'default';
$scope.loading = false;
$scope.controls = {};
- $scope.codeLabel = {
- oop: ts('PHP (oop style)'),
- php: ts('PHP (traditional)'),
- js: ts('Javascript'),
- cli: ts('Command Line')
- };
- $scope.code = codeDefaults();
- function codeDefaults() {
- return _.mapValues($scope.codeLabel, function(val, key) {
- return key === 'oop' ? ts('Select an entity and action') : '';
- });
- }
+ $scope.code = [
+ {
+ lang: 'php',
+ style: [
+ {name: 'oop', label: ts('OOP Style'), code: ''},
+ {name: 'php', label: ts('Traditional'), code: ''}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ lang: 'js',
+ style: [
+ {name: 'js', label: ts('Single Call'), code: ''},
+ {name: 'js2', label: ts('Batch Calls'), code: ''}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ lang: 'ang',
+ style: [
+ {name: 'ang', label: ts('Single Call'), code: ''},
+ {name: 'ang2', label: ts('Batch Calls'), code: ''}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ lang: 'cli',
+ style: [
+ {name: 'cv', label: ts('CV'), code: ''}
+ ]
+ },
+ ];
if (!entities.length) {
formatForSelect2(schema, entities, 'name', ['description']);
function writeCode() {
- var code = codeDefaults(),
+ var code = {},
entity = $scope.entity,
action = $scope.action,
params = getParams(),
// Write javascript
- code.js = "CRM.api4('" + entity + "', '" + action + "', {";
+ var js = "'" + entity + "', '" + action + "', {";
_.each(params, function(param, key) {
- code.js += "\n " + key + ': ' + stringify(param) +
+ js += "\n " + key + ': ' + stringify(param) +
(++i < paramCount ? ',' : '');
if (key === 'checkPermissions') {
- code.js += ' // IGNORED: permissions are always enforced from client-side requests';
+ js += ' // IGNORED: permissions are always enforced from client-side requests';
- code.js += "\n}";
+ js += "\n}";
if (index || index === 0) {
- code.js += ', ' + JSON.stringify(index);
+ js += ', ' + JSON.stringify(index);
- code.js += ").then(function(" + results + ") {\n // do something with " + results + " array\n}, function(failure) {\n // handle failure\n});";
+ code.js = "CRM.api4(" + js + ").then(function(" + results + ") {\n // do something with " + results + " array\n}, function(failure) {\n // handle failure\n});";
+ code.js2 = "CRM.api4({" + results + ': [' + js + "]}).then(function(batch) {\n // do something with batch." + results + " array\n}, function(failure) {\n // handle failure\n});";
+ code.ang = "crmApi4(" + js + ").then(function(" + results + ") {\n // do something with " + results + " array\n}, function(failure) {\n // handle failure\n});";
+ code.ang2 = "crmApi4({" + results + ': [' + js + "]}).then(function(batch) {\n // do something with batch." + results + " array\n}, function(failure) {\n // handle failure\n});";
// Write php code
code.php = '$' + results + " = civicrm_api4('" + entity + "', '" + action + "', [";
// Write cli code
- code.cli = 'cv api4 ' + entity + '.' + action + " '" + stringify(params) + "'";
+ code.cv = 'cv api4 ' + entity + '.' + action + " '" + stringify(params) + "'";
- _.each(code, function(val, type) {
- $scope.code[type] = prettyPrintOne(_.escape(val));
+ _.each($scope.code, function(vals) {
+ _.each(vals.style, function(style) {
+ style.code = code[style.name] ? prettyPrintOne(code[style.name]) : '';
+ });