# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import urlparse
-from mediagoblin.auth import lib as auth_lib
+from nose.tools import assert_equal
+from mediagoblin.auth import lib as auth_lib
from mediagoblin.tests.tools import get_test_app
from mediagoblin import globals as mgoblin_globals
from mediagoblin import util
# Successful register
# -------------------
+ util.clear_test_template_context()
+ response = test_app.post(
+ '/auth/register/', {
+ 'username': 'happygirl',
+ 'password': 'iamsohappy',
+ 'confirm_password': 'iamsohappy',
+ 'email': 'happygrrl@example.org'})
+ response.follow()
## Did we redirect to the proper page? Use the right template?
+ assert_equal(
+ urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2],
+ '/auth/register/success/')
+ assert util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT.has_key(
+ 'mediagoblin/auth/register_success.html')
## Make sure user is in place
- ## Make sure we get email confirmation
- ## Try logging in
+ new_user = mgoblin_globals.database.User.find_one(
+ {'username': 'happygirl'})
+ assert new_user
+ assert new_user['status'] == u'needs_email_verification'
+ assert new_user['email_verified'] == False
+ ## Make sure we get email confirmation, and try verifying
+ assert len(util.EMAIL_TEST_INBOX) == 1
+ message = util.EMAIL_TEST_INBOX.pop()
+ assert message['To'] == 'happygrrl@example.org'
+ email_context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[
+ 'mediagoblin/auth/verification_email.txt']
+ assert email_context['verification_url'] in message.get_payload(decode=True)
+ path = urlparse.urlsplit(email_context['verification_url'])[2]
+ get_params = urlparse.urlsplit(email_context['verification_url'])[3]
+ assert path == u'/auth/verify_email/'
+ parsed_get_params = urlparse.parse_qs(get_params)
+ ### user should have these same parameters
+ assert parsed_get_params['userid'] == [
+ unicode(new_user['_id'])]
+ assert parsed_get_params['token'] == [
+ new_user['verification_key']]
+ ## Verify the email
+ ## TODO: Try logging in
# Uniqueness checks
# -----------------