// Ensure alias is a safe string, and supply default if not given
- $alias = $alias ? \CRM_Utils_String::munge($alias, '_', 256) : strtolower($entity);
+ $alias = $alias ?: strtolower($entity);
+ if ($alias === self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS || !preg_match('/^[-\w]{1,256}$/', $alias)) {
+ throw new \API_Exception('Illegal join alias: "' . $alias . '"');
+ }
// First item in the array is a boolean indicating if the join is required (aka INNER or LEFT).
// The rest are join conditions.
$side = array_shift($join);
$this->assertNotContains($this->getReference('test_contact_1')['id'], $contacts);
+ public function testInvalidJoinAlias() {
+ // Not allowed to use same alias as the base table
+ try {
+ Contact::get(FALSE)->addJoin('Address AS a')->execute();
+ }
+ catch (\API_Exception $e) {
+ $message = $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals('Illegal join alias: "a"', $message);
+ // Not allowed to use dots in the alias
+ try {
+ Contact::get(FALSE)->addJoin('Address AS add.ress')->execute();
+ }
+ catch (\API_Exception $e) {
+ $message = $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals('Illegal join alias: "add.ress"', $message);
+ // Not allowed to use an alias > 256 characters
+ try {
+ $longAlias = str_repeat('z', 257);
+ Contact::get(FALSE)->addJoin("Address AS $longAlias")->execute();
+ }
+ catch (\API_Exception $e) {
+ $message = $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals("Illegal join alias: \"$longAlias\"", $message);
+ // Alpha-numeric with dashes 256 characters long - weird but allowed
+ $okAlias = str_repeat('-0_a-9Z_', 32);
+ Contact::get(FALSE)->addJoin("Address AS $okAlias")->execute();
+ }
public function testJoinToTheSameTableTwice() {
$cid1 = Contact::create(FALSE)
->addValue('first_name', 'Aaa')