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- <tspan x="0" y="229">controlling how you use your computer.</tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="251">Invades privacy and exposes personal data </tspan>
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- <tspan x="0" y="281">attackers.</tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="303">Dependent on mandatory upgrades and </tspan>
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- <tspan x="0" y="210">Completely free operating system: transparent </tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="223">and modifiable.</tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="243">Break the cycle of forced upgrades and planned </tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="256">obsolescence.</tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="276">Comes with all the software you need and an </tspan>
- <tspan x="0" y="289">easy software manager to find more.</tspan>
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+ id="tspan4530">controlling how you use your computer.</tspan>
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+ id="tspan4532">Invades privacy and exposes personal data</tspan>
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+ x="338"
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+ id="tspan4538">Dependent on mandatory upgrades and</tspan>
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+ id="tspan4540">devices that don't support older versions of</tspan>
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+ id="tspan4567">Completely free operating system:</tspan>
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+ x="54"
+ y="482"
+ id="tspan4569">transparent and modifiable.</tspan>
+ <tspan
+ x="54"
+ y="504"
+ id="tspan4571">Break the cycle of forced upgrades and</tspan>
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+ x="54"
+ y="519"
+ id="tspan4573">planned obsolescence.</tspan>
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+ y="541"
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