$currencyName = $config->defaultCurrency;
if (!isset($label)) {
- $label = (property_exists($qf,'_membershipBlock') && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') ? ts('Additional Contribution') : $field->label;
+ $label = (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') ? ts('Additional Contribution') : $field->label;
if ($field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
$priceVal = implode($seperator, array($customOption[$optionKey][$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
$extra = array();
- if (property_exists($qf,'_quickConfig') && $qf->_quickConfig && property_exists($qf,'_contributionAmount') && $qf->_contributionAmount) {
+ if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && !empty($qf->_contributionAmount)) {
foreach($fieldOptions as &$fieldOption) {
if ($fieldOption['name'] == 'other_amount') {
$fieldOption['label'] = $fieldOption['label'] . ' ' . $currencySymbol;
$qf->assign('priceset', $elementName);
$extra = array('onclick' => 'useAmountOther();');
// if seperate membership payment is used with quick config priceset then change the other amount label
- if (property_exists($qf,'_membershipBlock') && $qf->_quickConfig && $field->name == 'other_amount' && !property_exists($qf,'_contributionAmount')) {
+ if (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !empty($qf->_quickConfig) && $field->name == 'other_amount' && empty($qf->_contributionAmount)) {
$label = ts('Additional Contribution');
$useRequired = 0;
- if (property_exists($qf, '_quickConfig') && $qf->_quickConfig) {
+ if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig)) {
$message = ts('Please enter a valid amount.');
$type = 'money';
case 'Radio':
$choice = array();
- if (property_exists($qf, '_quickConfig') && $qf->_quickConfig && property_exists($qf,'_contributionAmount') && $qf->_contributionAmount) {
+ if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && !empty($qf->_contributionAmount)) {
$qf->assign('contriPriceset', $elementName);
'data-amount' => $opt[$valueFieldName],
'data-currency' => $currencyName,
- if (property_exists($qf, '_quickConfig') && $qf->_quickConfig && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
+ if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
$extra += array('onclick' => 'clearAmountOther();');
- elseif (property_exists($qf, '_quickConfig') && $qf->_quickConfig && $field->name == 'membership_amount') {
+ elseif (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && $field->name == 'membership_amount') {
$extra += array(
'onclick' => "return showHideAutoRenew({$opt['membership_type_id']});",
'membership-type' => $opt['membership_type_id'],
- if (property_exists($qf, '_membershipBlock') && $qf->_membershipBlock
- && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
+ if (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
$choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', ts('No thank you'), '-1',
'onclick' => 'clearAmountOther();',
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_allow_other_amount', $otherAmount) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
$none = ts('Other Amount');
- elseif (property_exists($qf, '_membershipBlock') && !CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_required', $qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'membership_amount') {
+ elseif (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_required', $qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'membership_amount') {
$none = ts('No thank you');
else {
// make contribution field required for quick config when membership block is enabled
if (($field->name == 'membership_amount' || $field->name == 'contribution_amount')
- && property_exists($qf, '_membershipBlock') && !empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !$field->is_required) {
+ && !empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !$field->is_required) {
$useRequired = $field->is_required = TRUE;