$trxn = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::create($paymentTrxnParams);
if ($params['total_amount'] < 0 && !empty($params['cancelled_payment_id'])) {
+ // Payment was cancelled. Reverse the financial transactions.
self::reverseAllocationsFromPreviousPayment($params, $trxn->id);
else {
+ // Record new "payment" (financial_trxn, financial_item, entity_financial_trxn etc).
$salesTaxFinancialAccount = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getSalesTaxFinancialAccounts();
+ // Get all the lineitems and add financial_item information to them for the contribution on which we are recording a payment.
$financialItems = LineItem::get(FALSE)
- ->addSelect('tax_amount', 'price_field_value_id', 'financial_item.id', 'financial_item.status_id:name', 'financial_item.financial_account_id')
+ ->addSelect('tax_amount', 'price_field_value_id', 'financial_item.id', 'financial_item.status_id:name', 'financial_item.financial_account_id', 'financial_item.entity_id')
'FinancialItem AS financial_item',
->addOrderBy('financial_item.id', 'DESC')
->addWhere('contribution_id', '=', (int) $params['contribution_id'])->execute();
+ // Loop through our list of payable lineitems
foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) {
if ($lineItem['allocation'] === (float) 0) {
$financialItemID = NULL;
$currentFinancialItemStatus = NULL;
foreach ($financialItems as $financialItem) {
- // We check against price_field_value_id rather than line item
- // id because that is what the code did previously - but it's
- // unclear whether this is for good reason or bad coding.
- if ($financialItem['price_field_value_id'] === (int) $lineItem['price_field_value_id']
+ // $financialItems is a list of all lineitems for the contribution
+ // Loop through all of them and match on the first one which is not of type "Sales Tax".
+ if ($financialItem['financial_item.entity_id'] === (int) $lineItem['id']
&& !in_array($financialItem['financial_item.financial_account_id'], $salesTaxFinancialAccount, TRUE)
) {
$financialItemID = $financialItem['financial_item.id'];
$currentFinancialItemStatus = $financialItem['financial_item.status_id:name'];
+ // We can break out of the loop because there will only be one lineitem=financial_item.entity_id.
+ break;
if (!$financialItemID) {
+ // If we didn't find a lineitem that is NOT of type "Sales Tax" then create a new one.
$financialItemID = self::getNewFinancialItemID($lineItem, $params['trxn_date'], $contribution['contact_id'], $paymentTrxnParams['currency']);
+ // Now create an EntityFinancialTrxn record to link the new financial_trxn to the lineitem and mark it as paid.
$eftParams = [
'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item',
'financial_trxn_id' => $trxn->id,
'entity_id' => $financialItemID,
'amount' => $lineItem['allocation'],
civicrm_api3('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'create', $eftParams);
- if ($currentFinancialItemStatus && 'Paid' !== $currentFinancialItemStatus) {
+ if ($currentFinancialItemStatus && ('Paid' !== $currentFinancialItemStatus)) {
+ // Did the lineitem get fully paid?
$newStatus = $lineItem['allocation'] < $lineItem['balance'] ? 'Partially paid' : 'Paid';
->addValue('status_id:name', $newStatus)
foreach ($financialItems as $financialItem) {
- if ($financialItem['price_field_value_id'] === (int) $lineItem['price_field_value_id']
+ // $financialItems is a list of all lineitems for the contribution
+ // Now we loop through all of them and match on the first one which IS of type "Sales Tax".
+ if ($financialItem['financial_item.entity_id'] === (int) $lineItem['id']
&& in_array($financialItem['financial_item.financial_account_id'], $salesTaxFinancialAccount, TRUE)
) {
+ // If we find a "Sales Tax" lineitem we record a tax entry in entityFiancncialTrxn
// @todo - this is expected to be broken - it should be fixed to
// a) have the getPayableLineItems add the amount to allocate for tax
// b) call EntityFinancialTrxn directly - per above.
* Reverse the entity financial transactions associated with the cancelled payment.
- * The reversals are linked to the new payemnt.
+ * The reversals are linked to the new payment.
* @param array $params
* @param int $trxnID