<li><a href="https://mntre.com/">MNT</a>'s Reform laptop is promising from a free software perspective. If the nonfree code used to initalize the RAM were to be replaced by the community, we have reason to believe it would be fully compatible with your freedom.</li>
<li><a href="https://store.vikings.net/en/">Vikings</a> sells a variety of devices that respect you as a user, not just the D8. Many of these devices are RYF-certified, and others, like the Talos II, are freedom-friendly. Vikings will offer perform installations of free boot firmware (BIOS) on compatible models.</li>
<li><a href="https://pine64.org">PINE64</a> is a company and user community making a variety of laptops, smartwatches, ereaders, and more. The freedom status of these devices vary, but the project has made positive progress in a short time, piquing the interest of many in the free software community.</li>
+ <li><a href="https://puri.sm">Purism</a>'s devices ship with the PureOS distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system, one that is more freedom-friendly than popular distributions like Mint or Ubuntu.</li>
<p>If you know of a project or company we've missed who are <em>earnestly</em> working to free their devices, but who need a little help in doing so, <a href="mailto:campaigns@fsf.org">please let us know!</a></p>