var locationBlockInfo = {/literal}{$locationBlockInfo}{literal};
var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
+ /**
+ * Triggered when a 'location' or 'type' destination is changed.
+ * Check to see if the 'main' contact record has a corresponding location
+ * block when the destination of a field is changed. Allow existing location
+ * fields to be overwritten with data from the 'other' contact.
+ *
+ * @param blockname string
+ * The name of the entity.
+ * @param element object
+ * The element that was changed (location or type dropdown)
+ * @param blockId int
+ * The block ID being affected
+ * @param type string
+ * Location or type (locTypeId / typeTypeId)
+ */
function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId, type) {
// Get type of select list that's been changed (location or type)
CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite" ).html( label );
- // Find a matching main contact location block by entity, location and type
+ /**
+ * Look for a matching 'main' contact location block by entity, location and
+ * type
+ *
+ * @param allBlock array
+ * All location blocks on the main contact record.
+ * @param entName string
+ * The entity name to lookup.
+ * @param locationID int
+ * The location ID to lookup.
+ * @param typeID int
+ * The type ID to lookup.
+ *
+ * @returns boolean|object
+ * Returns false if no match, otherwise an object with the location ID and
+ * display value.
+ */
function findBlock(allBlock, entName, locationID, typeID) {
var entityArray = allBlock[entName];
var result = false;