$mask = CRM_Core_Action::mask($permissions);
- $userID = CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID();
foreach ($activities as $activityId => $values) {
$activity = ['source_contact_name' => '', 'target_contact_name' => ''];
$activity['activity_date_time'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($values['activity_date_time']);
$activity['status_id'] = $activityStatus[$values['status_id']];
- // build links
- $activity['links'] = '';
// Get action links.
- // If this is a case activity, then we hand off to Case's actionLinks instead.
- if (!empty($values['case_id']) && Civi::settings()->get('civicaseShowCaseActivities')) {
- // This activity belongs to a case.
- $caseId = current($values['case_id']);
- // Get the view and edit (update) links:
- $caseActionLinks =
- $actionLinks = array_intersect_key(
- CRM_Case_Selector_Search::actionLinks(),
- array_fill_keys([CRM_Core_Action::VIEW, CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE], NULL));
- // Create a Manage Case link (using ADVANCED as can't use two VIEW ones)
- $actionLinks[CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED] = [
- "name" => 'Manage Case',
- "url" => 'civicrm/contact/view/case',
- 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%caseid%%&cid=%%cid%%&action=view&context=&selectedChild=case',
- "title" => ts('Manage Case %1', [1 => $caseId]),
- 'class' => 'no-popup',
- ];
- $caseLinkValues = [
- 'aid' => $activityId,
- 'caseid' => $caseId,
- 'cid' => current(CRM_Case_BAO_Case::getCaseClients($caseId) ?? []),
- // Unlike other 'context' params, this 'ctx' param is appended raw to the URL.
- 'cxt' => '',
- ];
- $caseActivityPermissions = CRM_Core_Action::VIEW | CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED;
- // Allow Edit link if:
- // 1. Activity type is NOT view-only type. CRM-5871
- // 2. User has edit permission.
- if (!isset($viewOnlyCaseActivityTypeIDs[$values['activity_type_id']])
- && CRM_Case_BAO_Case::checkPermission($activityId, 'edit', $values['activity_type_id'], $userID)) {
- // We're allowed to edit.
- $caseActivityPermissions |= CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE;
- }
- $activity['links'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($actionLinks,
- $caseActivityPermissions,
- $caseLinkValues,
- ts('more'),
- 'activity.tab.row',
- 'Activity',
- $values['activity_id']
- );
- }
- else {
- // Non-case activity
- $actionLinks = CRM_Activity_Selector_Activity::actionLinks(
- $values['activity_type_id'] ?? NULL,
- $values['source_record_id'] ?? NULL,
- !empty($values['mailingId']),
- $values['activity_id'] ?? NULL
- );
- $actionMask = array_sum(array_keys($actionLinks)) & $mask;
- $activity['links'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($actionLinks,
- $actionMask,
- [
- 'id' => $values['activity_id'],
- 'cid' => $params['contact_id'],
- 'cxt' => $context,
- 'caseid' => NULL,
- ],
- ts('more'),
- 'activity.tab.row',
- 'Activity',
- $values['activity_id']
- );
- }
+ //
+ // Note that $viewOnlyCaseActivityTypeIDs, while not a super-heavy
+ // calculation, makes some sense to calculate outside the loop above.
+ // We could recalculate it each time inside getActionLinks if we wanted
+ // to avoid passing it along. Or use caching inside getAcionLinks.
+ // - Ditto $mask.
+ $activity['links'] = self::getActionLinks(
+ $values,
+ $activityId,
+ $params['contact_id'],
+ isset($viewOnlyCaseActivityTypeIDs[$values['activity_type_id']]),
+ $context,
+ $mask,
+ // I think this parameter should be ignored completely for the purpose
+ // of generating a link but am leaving it as-is for now.
+ (bool) Civi::settings()->get('civicaseShowCaseActivities')
+ );
if ($values['is_recurring_activity']) {
$activity['is_recurring_activity'] = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getPositionAndCount($values['activity_id'], 'civicrm_activity');
return $activitiesDT;
+ /**
+ * Get the right links depending on the activity type and other factors.
+ * @param array $values
+ * @param int $activityId
+ * @param ?int $contactId
+ * @param bool $isViewOnly Is this a special type that shouldn't be edited
+ * @param ?string $context
+ * @param ?int $mask
+ * @param bool $dontBreakCaseActivities Originally this function was
+ * part of another function that was only used on the contact's activity
+ * tab and this parameter would only be false when you're not displaying
+ * case activities anyway and so was effectively never used. And I'm not
+ * sure why for the purposes of links you would ever want a case activity
+ * to link to the regular form, so I think this can be removed, but am
+ * leaving it as-is for now.
+ * @return string HTML string
+ */
+ public static function getActionLinks(
+ array $values,
+ int $activityId,
+ ?int $contactId,
+ bool $isViewOnly,
+ ?string $context,
+ ?int $mask,
+ bool $dontBreakCaseActivities = TRUE): string {
+ $linksToReturn = '';
+ // If this is a case activity, then we hand off to Case's actionLinks instead.
+ if (!empty($values['case_id']) && $dontBreakCaseActivities) {
+ // This activity belongs to a case.
+ $caseId = current($values['case_id']);
+ // Get the view and edit (update) links:
+ $caseActionLinks =
+ $actionLinks = array_intersect_key(
+ CRM_Case_Selector_Search::actionLinks(),
+ array_fill_keys([CRM_Core_Action::VIEW, CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE], NULL));
+ // Create a Manage Case link (using ADVANCED as can't use two VIEW ones)
+ $actionLinks[CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED] = [
+ "name" => 'Manage Case',
+ "url" => 'civicrm/contact/view/case',
+ 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%caseid%%&cid=%%cid%%&action=view&context=&selectedChild=case',
+ "title" => ts('Manage Case %1', [1 => $caseId]),
+ 'class' => 'no-popup',
+ ];
+ $caseLinkValues = [
+ 'aid' => $activityId,
+ 'caseid' => $caseId,
+ 'cid' => current(CRM_Case_BAO_Case::getCaseClients($caseId) ?? []),
+ // Unlike other 'context' params, this 'ctx' param is appended raw to the URL.
+ 'cxt' => '',
+ ];
+ $caseActivityPermissions = CRM_Core_Action::VIEW | CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED;
+ // Allow Edit link if:
+ // 1. Activity type is NOT view-only type. CRM-5871
+ // 2. User has edit permission.
+ if (!$isViewOnly
+ && CRM_Case_BAO_Case::checkPermission($activityId, 'edit', $values['activity_type_id'], CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID())) {
+ // We're allowed to edit.
+ $caseActivityPermissions |= CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE;
+ }
+ $linksToReturn = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($actionLinks,
+ $caseActivityPermissions,
+ $caseLinkValues,
+ ts('more'),
+ 'activity.tab.row',
+ 'Activity',
+ $values['activity_id']
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ // Non-case activity
+ $actionLinks = CRM_Activity_Selector_Activity::actionLinks(
+ $values['activity_type_id'] ?? NULL,
+ $values['source_record_id'] ?? NULL,
+ !empty($values['mailingId']),
+ $values['activity_id'] ?? NULL
+ );
+ $actionMask = array_sum(array_keys($actionLinks)) & $mask;
+ $linksToReturn = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($actionLinks,
+ $actionMask,
+ [
+ 'id' => $values['activity_id'],
+ 'cid' => $contactId,
+ 'cxt' => $context,
+ 'caseid' => NULL,
+ ],
+ ts('more'),
+ 'activity.tab.row',
+ 'Activity',
+ $values['activity_id']
+ );
+ }
+ return $linksToReturn;
+ }
* Copy custom fields and attachments from an existing activity to another.