'details' => array(
'type' => 'wysiwyg',
'label' => ts('Details'),
- // forces a smaller edit window
- 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4, 'cols' => 60),
+ 'attributes' => array('class' => 'huge'),
'required' => FALSE,
'status_id' => array(
$attribute = CRM_Utils_Array::value('attributes', $values);
$required = !empty($values['required']);
- if ($values['type'] == 'wysiwyg') {
- $this->addWysiwyg($field, $values['label'], $attribute, $required);
- }
- elseif ($values['type'] == 'select' && empty($attribute)) {
+ if ($values['type'] == 'select' && empty($attribute)) {
$this->addSelect($field, array('entity' => 'activity'), $required);
elseif ($values['type'] == 'entityRef') {
CRM_Core_BAO_OptionValue::updateOptionWeights($opGroupId, array_flip($preferenceWeights));
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- if ($config->userSystem->is_drupal == '1' && module_exists("wysiwyg")) {
- variable_set('civicrm_wysiwyg_input_format', $this->_params['wysiwyg_input_format']);
- }
$this->_config->editor_id = $this->_params['editor_id'];
- // set default editor to session if changed
- $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
- $session->set('defaultWysiwygEditor', $this->_params['editor_id']);
- // Just in case custom data includes a rich text field
- $this->assign('includeWysiwygEditor', TRUE);
// Select list
$relationshipList = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getContactRelationshipType($this->_contactId, $this->_rtype, $this->_relationshipId);
* Common buildform tasks required by all searches
public function buildQuickform() {
- $resources = CRM_Core_Resources::singleton();
- if ($resources->ajaxPopupsEnabled) {
- // Script needed by some popups
- $this->assign('includeWysiwygEditor', TRUE);
- }
- $resources
+ CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()
->addScriptFile('civicrm', 'js/crm.searchForm.js', 1, 'html-header')
->addStyleFile('civicrm', 'css/searchForm.css', 1, 'html-header');
CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'ajaxPopupsEnabled', NULL, TRUE)
) {
CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->addScriptFile('civicrm', 'js/crm.livePage.js', 1, 'html-header');
- $this->assign('includeWysiwygEditor', TRUE);
$content = self::$_template->fetch('CRM/common/' . strtolower($config->userFramework) . '.tpl');
$this->assign_by_ref('config', $config);
$this->assign_by_ref('session', $session);
- // check default editor and assign to template
- $defaultWysiwygEditor = $session->get('defaultWysiwygEditor');
- if (!$defaultWysiwygEditor && !CRM_Core_Config::isUpgradeMode()) {
- $defaultWysiwygEditor = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME,
- 'editor_id'
- );
- // For logged-in users, store it in session to reduce db calls
- if ($session->get('userID')) {
- $session->set('defaultWysiwygEditor', $defaultWysiwygEditor);
- }
- }
- $this->assign('defaultWysiwygEditor', $defaultWysiwygEditor);
global $tsLocale;
$this->assign('tsLocale', $tsLocale);
* @return void
public function browse() {
- $this->assign('includeWysiwygEditor', TRUE);
$this->_sortByCharacter = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('sortByCharacter',
editor.config.filebrowserUploadUrl = uploadUrl + '&type=files';
editor.config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = uploadUrl + '&type=images';
editor.config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl = uploadUrl + '&type=flash';
+ editor.on('focus', function() {
+ $(item).trigger('focus');
+ });
editor.on('blur', function() {
<td class="label">{$form.details.label}</td>
{if $activityTypeName eq "Print PDF Letter"}
<td class="view-value">
- {* If using plain textarea, assign class=huge to make input large enough. *}
- {if $defaultWysiwygEditor eq 0}{$form.details.html|crmAddClass:huge}{else}{$form.details.html}{/if}
+ {$form.details.html}
<td class="view-value">
- {* If using plain textarea, assign class=huge to make input large enough. *}
- {if $defaultWysiwygEditor eq 0}{$form.details.html|crmStripAlternatives|crmAddClass:huge}{else}{$form.details.html|crmStripAlternatives}{/if}
+ {$form.details.html|crmStripAlternatives}
<div class="crm-accordion-body">
<div class="helpIcon" id="helphtml">
<input class="crm-token-selector big" data-field="html_message" />
- {help id="id-token-html" tplFile=$tplFile isAdmin=$isAdmin editor=$editor file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Email.hlp"}
+ {help id="id-token-html" tplFile=$tplFile isAdmin=$isAdmin file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Email.hlp"}
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class='html resizable-textarea'>
{if $rows and $action ne 2 and $action ne 4}
- {* include wysiwyg related files*}
- {include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
<div id='mainTabContainer'>
<li id='tab_user'> <a href='#user' title='{ts}User-driven Messages{/ts}'> {ts}User-driven Messages{/ts} </a></li>
{if $action eq 1 or $action eq 2 or $action eq 8 or $action eq 16384}
{include file="CRM/Admin/Form/ScheduleReminders.tpl"}
- {* include wysiwyg related files*}
- {include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
{if !$component}
{capture assign=schedRemindersDocLink}{docURL page="user/current/email/scheduled-reminders/"}{/capture}
<div class="help">
//check if it is date element
var isDateElement = elementId.attr('format');
- // check if it is wysiwyg element
- var editor = elementId.attr('editor');
//get the element type
var elementType = elementId.attr('type');
else {
- if (editor) {
- switch (editor) {
- case 'ckeditor':
- elemtId = elementId.attr('id');
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[elemtId];
- oEditor.setData(htmlContent);
- break;
- case 'tinymce':
- var elemtId = element.attr('id');
- tinyMCE.get(elemtId).setContent(htmlContent);
- break;
- case 'joomlaeditor':
- // TO DO
- case 'drupalwysiwyg':
- // TO DO
- break;
- default:
- elementId.val(fieldValue);
- }
+ if (elementId.is('textarea')) {
+ CRM.wysiwyg.setVal(elementId, fieldValue);
else {
//check if it is date element
var isDateElement = elementId.attr('format');
- // check if it is wysiwyg element
- var editor = elementId.attr('editor');
//get the element type
var elementType = elementId.attr('type');
else {
- if (editor) {
- switch (editor) {
- case 'ckeditor':
- var elemtId = elementId.attr('id');
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[elemtId];
- oEditor.setData(htmlContent);
- break;
- case 'tinymce':
- var elemtId = element.attr('id');
- tinyMCE.get(elemtId).setContent(htmlContent);
- break;
- case 'joomlaeditor':
- // TO DO
- case 'drupalwysiwyg':
- // TO DO
- default:
- elementId.val(fieldValue);
- }
+ if (elementId.is('textarea')) {
+ CRM.wysiwyg.setVal(elementId, fieldValue);
else {
-{* editor has already been included in TabHeader.tpl so set flag true *}
-{include file="CRM/common/customData.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
<script type="text/javascript">
CRM.$(function($) {
<tr class="crm-case-activity-form-block-details">
<td class="label">{ts}Notes{/ts}</td>
<td class="view-value">
- {* If using plain textarea, assign class=huge to make input large enough. *}
- {if $defaultWysiwygEditor eq 0}{$form.details.html|crmAddClass:huge}{else}{$form.details.html}{/if}
+ {$form.details.html}
{* Added Activity Details accordion tab *}
<tr class="crm-case-activity-form-block-details">
<td class="label">{$form.details.label}</td>
<td class="view-value">
- {* If using plain textarea, assign class=huge to make input large enough. *}
- {if $defaultWysiwygEditor eq 0}{$form.details.html|crmAddClass:huge}{else}{$form.details.html}{/if}
+ {$form.details.html}
{if $form.activity_details.html}
<tr class="crm-case-form-block-activity_details">
<td class="label">{$form.activity_details.label}{help id="id-details" activityTypeFile=$activityTypeFile file="CRM/Case/Form/Case.hlp"}</td>
- <td class="view-value">{if $defaultWysiwygEditor eq 0}{$form.activity_details.html|crmStripAlternatives|crmAddClass:huge40}{else}{$form.activity_details.html|crmStripAlternatives}{/if}</td>
+ <td class="view-value">{$form.activity_details.html|crmStripAlternatives}</td>
| see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{if !$includeWysiwygEditor}
- {include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
{* Custom Data view mode*}
{foreach from=$viewCustomData item=customValues key=customGroupId}
{foreach from=$customValues item=cd_edit key=cvID}
{if ($action EQ 1) OR ($action EQ 2) }
- {*include custom data js file - setting includeWysiwygEditor=TRUE because it's already been loaded*}
- {include file="CRM/common/customData.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=TRUE}
+ {*include custom data js file *}
+ {include file="CRM/common/customData.tpl"}
<script type="text/javascript">
CRM.$(function($) {
{if $params.tplFile EQ 'CRM/Mailing/Form/Upload.tpl'}
{ts}You will also use tokens to insert Unsubscribe, Opt out and Forwarding links in your message.{/ts}
- {if $params.editor NEQ 'textarea'}
{ts}Use these steps to insert clickable action links:{/ts}
<li>{ts}Select the action token from the Insert Tokens pop-up list - e.g. Unsubscribe via web page - and insert into your message.{/ts}</li>
<li>{ts 1='{action.unsubscribeUrl}}'}Highlight the token and copy it to your clipboard - e.g. %1.{/ts}</li>
<li>{ts}Replace the token in your message with the text you want for the link - e.g. Click here to unsubscribe.{/ts}</li>
<li>{ts}With the text highlighted, click the Insert/Edit Link icon in the editor toolbar.{/ts}</li>
- {if $params.editor EQ 'fckeditor'}
- <li>{ts}In the Link pop-up window select <other> for the "Protocol" (selecting "http://" will result in an invalid link).{/ts}</li>
- <li>{ts}Paste the action token into the URL field and click OK.{/ts}</li>
- {else}
- <li>{ts}Paste the action token into the URL field and click Insert (or Update).{/ts}</li>
- {/if}
+ <li>{ts}Paste the action token into the URL field and click Insert (or Update).{/ts}</li>
- {/if}
<p>{ts}Custom tokens (based on custom data) can be added for organizations as well. These tokens will not be displayed in the list of available tokens, but can be added manually. The format is {literal}{contact.custom_12}{/literal} – where 12 is the ID of the custom data field. To find the custom data field ID,
<div class="crm-accordion-body">
<div class="helpIcon" id="helphtml">
<input class="crm-token-selector big" data-field="html_message" />
- {help id="id-token-html" tplFile=$tplFile isAdmin=$isAdmin editor=$editor file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Email.hlp"}
+ {help id="id-token-html" tplFile=$tplFile isAdmin=$isAdmin file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Email.hlp"}
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class='html'>
<div class="crm-accordion-body">
<div class="helpIcon" id="helphtml">
<input class="crm-token-selector big" data-field="html_message" />
- {help id="id-token-html" tplFile=$tplFile isAdmin=$isAdmin editor=$editor file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Email.hlp"}
+ {help id="id-token-html" tplFile=$tplFile isAdmin=$isAdmin file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Email.hlp"}
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class='html'>
- {if $editor EQ 'textarea'}
- <div class="help description">{ts}NOTE: If you are composing HTML-formatted messages, you may want to enable a Rich Text (WYSIWYG) editor (Administer » Customize Data & Screens » Display Preferences).{/ts}</div>
- {/if}
{$form.html_message.html}<br />
{include file="CRM/Contact/Form/Contact.tpl"}
- {include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
<div class="crm-summary-contactname-block crm-inline-edit-container">
<div class="crm-summary-block" id="contactname-block">
{include file="CRM/Contact/Page/Inline/ContactName.tpl"}
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}</div>
-<script type="text/javascript" >
-var editor = {/literal}"{$editor}"{literal};
-{if $editor eq "fckeditor"}
- function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance )
- {
- oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('html_comment');
- loadEditor();
- editorInstance.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnFocus') ;
- }
-{if $editor eq "tinymce"}
- function customEvent() {
- loadEditor();
- tinyMCE.get('html_comment').onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
- });
- }
- oninit : "customEvent"
-var editor = {/literal}"{$editor}"{literal};
function showSaveUpdateChkBox(prefix) {
prefix = prefix || '';
if (document.getElementById(prefix + "template") == null) {
document.getElementById("text_message").value ="";
- if ( editor == "ckeditor" ) {
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[html_message];
- oEditor.setData('');
- }
- else if ( editor == "tinymce" ) {
- tinyMCE.getInstanceById(html_message).setContent( html_body );
- }
- else if ( editor == "joomlaeditor" ) {
- document.getElementById(html_message).value = '' ;
- tinyMCE.execCommand('mceSetContent',false, '');
- }
- else if ( editor =="drupalwysiwyg" ) {
- if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].setContent) {
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].setContent(html_body);
- }
- // @TODO: Remove this when http://drupal.org/node/614146 drops
- else if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert) {
- alert("Please note your editor doesn't completely support this function. You may need to clear the contents of the editor prior to choosing a new template.");
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert(html_body);
- }
- else {
- alert("Sorry, your editor doesn't support this function yet.");
- }
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById(html_message).value = '' ;
- }
+ CRM.wysiwyg.setVal('#' + html_message, '');
if ( isPDF ) {
else {
cj("#subject").val( data.subject );
- var html_body = "";
- if ( data.msg_html ) {
- html_body = data.msg_html;
- }
- if (editor == "ckeditor") {
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[html_message];
- oEditor.setData( html_body );
- }
- else if (editor == "tinymce") {
- tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('html_message',"mceInsertContent",false, html_body );
- }
- else if (editor == "joomlaeditor") {
- cj("#"+ html_message).val( html_body );
- tinyMCE.execCommand('mceSetContent',false, html_body);
- }
- else if ( editor =="drupalwysiwyg") {
- if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].setContent) {
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].setContent(html_body);
- }
- // @TODO: Remove this when http://drupal.org/node/614146 drops
- else if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert) {
- alert("Please note your editor doesn't completely support this function. You may need to clear the contents of the editor prior to choosing a new template.");
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert(html_body);
- }
- else {
- alert("Sorry, your editor doesn't support this function yet.");
- }
- }
- else {
- cj("#"+ html_message).val( html_body );
- }
+ CRM.wysiwyg.setVal('#' + html_message, data.msg_html || '');
if (isPDF) {
var bind = data.pdf_format_id ? true : false ;
selectFormat( data.pdf_format_id, bind );
- {/literal}
- {if $editor eq "ckeditor"}
- {literal}
- CRM.$(function($) {
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['html_message'];
- oEditor.BaseHref = '' ;
- oEditor.UserFilesPath = '' ;
- oEditor.on( 'focus', verify );
- });
- {/literal}
- {elseif $editor eq "tinymce"}
- {literal}
- CRM.$(function($) {
- if ( isMailing ) {
- $('div.html').hover(
- function( ) {
- if ( tinyMCE.get(html_message) ) {
- tinyMCE.get(html_message).onKeyUp.add(function() {
- verify( );
- });
- }
- },
- function( ) {
- if ( tinyMCE.get(html_message) ) {
- if ( tinyMCE.get(html_message).getContent() ) {
- verify( );
- }
- }
- }
- );
- }
- });
- {/literal}
- {elseif $editor eq "drupalwysiwyg"}
- {literal}
- CRM.$(function($) {
- if ( isMailing ) {
- $('div.html').hover(
- verify,
- verify
- );
- }
- });
- {/literal}
- {/if}
- {literal}
+ cj('#' + html_message).on('focus change', verify);
CRM.$(function($) {
token = $(this).val(),
field = $(this).data('field');
- if (field === 'html_message') {
- tokenReplHtml(token);
- } else {
+ if (field !== 'html_message') {
field = textMsgID($(this));
- $('#' + field).replaceSelection(token);
+ CRM.wysiwyg.insert('#' + field, token);
$(this).select2('val', '');
if (isMailing) {
return field;
- function tokenReplHtml(token) {
- var editor = {/literal}"{$editor}"{literal};
- if ( editor == "tinymce" ) {
- tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('html_message',"mceInsertContent",false, token );
- }
- else if ( editor == "joomlaeditor" ) {
- tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false, token);
- var msg = document.getElementById(html_message).value;
- var cursorlen = document.getElementById(html_message).selectionStart;
- var textlen = msg.length;
- document.getElementById(html_message).value = msg.substring(0, cursorlen) + token + msg.substring(cursorlen, textlen);
- var cursorPos = (cursorlen + token.length);
- document.getElementById(html_message).selectionStart = cursorPos;
- document.getElementById(html_message).selectionEnd = cursorPos;
- document.getElementById(html_message).focus();
- }
- else if ( editor == "ckeditor" ) {
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[html_message];
- oEditor.insertHtml(token.toString() );
- }
- else if ( editor == "drupalwysiwyg" ) {
- if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert) {
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert(token.toString() );
- }
- else {
- alert("Sorry, your editor doesn't support this function yet.");
- }
- }
- else {
- $( "#"+ html_message ).replaceSelection( token );
- }
- }
// Initialize token selector widgets
var form = $('form.{/literal}{$form.formClass}{literal}');
$('input.crm-token-selector', form)
if ( !isNaN( emailID ) ) {
var dataUrl = {/literal}"{crmURL p='civicrm/ajax/signature' h=0 }"{literal};
$.post( dataUrl, {emailID: emailID}, function( data ) {
- var editor = {/literal}"{$editor}"{literal};
if (data.signature_text) {
- // get existing text & html and append signatue
var textMessage = $("#"+ text_message).val( ) + '\n\n--\n' + data.signature_text;
- // append signature
$("#"+ text_message).val( textMessage );
- if ( data.signature_html ) {
- var htmlMessage = $("#"+ html_message).val( ) + '<br/><br/>--<br/>' + data.signature_html;
- // set wysiwg editor
- if ( editor == "ckeditor" ) {
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[html_message];
- var htmlMessage = oEditor.getData( ) + '<br/><br/>--' + data.signature_html;
- oEditor.setData( htmlMessage );
- }
- else if ( editor == "tinymce" ) {
- tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('html_message',"mceInsertContent",false, htmlMessage);
- }
- else if ( editor == "drupalwysiwyg" ) {
- if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].setContent) {
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].setContent(htmlMessage);
- }
- // @TODO: Remove this when http://drupal.org/node/614146 drops
- else if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert) {
- alert("Please note your editor doesn't completely support this function. You may need to clear the contents of the editor prior to choosing a new template.");
- Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[html_message].insert(htmlMessage);
- }
- else {
- alert("Sorry, your editor doesn't support this function yet.");
- }
- }
- else {
- $("#"+ html_message).val(htmlMessage);
- }
+ if (data.signature_html) {
+ var htmlMessage = CRM.wysiwyg.getVal("#" + html_message) + '<br/><br/>--<br/>' + data.signature_html;
+ CRM.wysiwyg.setVal("#" + html_message, htmlMessage);
}, 'json');
| see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
{* enclose all tabs and its content in a block *}
<div class="crm-block crm-content-block">
{if $tabHeader and count($tabHeader)}
//check if it is date element
var isDateElement = elementId.attr('format');
- // check if it is wysiwyg element
- var editor = elementId.attr('editor');
//get the element type
var elementType = elementId.attr('type');
- else if ( editor ) {
- var firstElementId = firstElement.attr('id');
- switch ( editor ) {
- case 'ckeditor':
- //get the content of first element
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[firstElementId];
- var htmlContent = oEditor.getData( );
- // copy first element content to all the elements
- elementId.each( function() {
- var elemtId = $(this).attr('id');
- oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[elemtId];
- oEditor.setData( htmlContent );
- });
- break;
- case 'tinymce':
- //get the content of first element
- var htmlContent = tinyMCE.get( firstElementId ).getContent();
- // copy first element content to all the elements
- elementId.each( function() {
- var elemtId = $(this).attr('id');
- tinyMCE.get( elemtId ).setContent( htmlContent );
- });
- break;
- case 'joomlaeditor':
- // TO DO
- case 'drupalwysiwyg':
- // TO DO
- default:
- elementId.val( firstElementValue ).change();
- }
+ else if (elementId.is('textarea')) {
+ var text = CRM.wysiwyg.getVal(firstElement);
+ elementId.each(function() {
+ CRM.wysiwyg.setVal(this, text);
+ });
else {
if (elementId.is('select') === true && firstElement.parent().find(':input').select().index() >= 1 && firstElement.parent().find('select').select().index < 1) {
| see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{if !$includeWysiwygEditor}
- {include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl" includeWysiwygEditor=true}
<script type="text/javascript">
CRM.buildCustomData = function( type, subType, subName, cgCount, groupID, isMultiple ) {
{include file="CRM/common/debug.tpl"}
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl"}
<div id="crm-container" class="crm-container{if $urlIsPublic} crm-public{/if}" lang="{$config->lcMessages|truncate:2:"":true}" xml:lang="{$config->lcMessages|truncate:2:"":true}">
{crmNavigationMenu is_default=1}
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl"}
{if isset($browserPrint) and $browserPrint}
{* Javascript window.print link. Used for public pages where we can't do printer-friendly view. *}
<div id="printer-friendly">
<div id="crm-nav-menu-container"></div>
{crmNavigationMenu is_default=1}
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl"}
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-content">
{if $sidebarLeft}
-{* include wysiwyg related files*}
-{include file="CRM/common/wysiwyg.tpl"}
{if isset($browserPrint) and $browserPrint}
{* Javascript window.print link. Used for public pages where we can't do printer-friendly view. *}
<div id="printer-friendly">
+++ /dev/null
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | CiviCRM version 4.6 |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2015 |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
- | |
- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
- | |
- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
- | |
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-{* include wysiysg editor files *}
-{if $includeWysiwygEditor}
- {if $defaultWysiwygEditor eq 1}
- <script>
- {* this version of tinymce requires jquery *}
- if (typeof window.jQuery !== 'function') window.jQuery = CRM.$;
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="{$config->resourceBase}packages/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="{$config->resourceBase}packages/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
- {/if}